A Miracle Life | Teen Ink

A Miracle Life

March 5, 2014
By Eangueira BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Eangueira BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you never go to far, you'll never know how far you can go.


 A Miracle Life

It was May 29th in the year 2015. Two individuals engaged to be married were preparing for their dream wedding about to come true. Suddenly, one of them found out something very unexpected that caused a negative reaction on the soon to be bride. The young man found out that he had just gotten accepted to a very prestigious school, Harvard, that fit perfectly wit his goals for his career. It was unexpected because he hadn't even tried to get accepted. He had just applied at a college fair the year before, a couple of months before the engagement had happened. Both of them were shocked because neither of them thought that they were even close to smart enough to go to that school, and especially because it was almost an accident that he even applied.

The wedding was to take place in a week, and both had been waiting for this day for more than two years. They were both nervous because they didn't know what to do. They wanted to get married because it has been their dream, but they also wanted to support each other, especially on this. They knew very well that this was a once - in - a - life time opportunity that was not given to many people, especially ones who don't think they deserve it. The one who was accepted was a man named David. He was nowhere meeting the bare minimum requirements of acceptance. His fiancee, Ashley, had not applied because she had gone to the bathroom during the college fair. Ashley did not even think she could get in with her academic achievements because of how insane the acceptance rates were, the requirements she would have to fulfill, and how low her overall grades and test scores were compared to the bare minimum of the prestigious university's requirements. Since even she seemed unable to get in both understood that David had no chance. He was nowhere near her academically due to his past.

In his whole high school career, until his senior year he had slacked off. David got into the wrong things and really hurt his future. He was lazy and careless. All he did was cheat, barely try, or not even try and get a zero. This guy was known as an athlete who just got by.

One day, it all changed dramatically; David found Jesus! Ever since then his life had changed, even in his school work. He had raised his grades dramatically, but even though he did that, they were still just fair grades. 

Even though his grades had changed in a drastic manner, they were still not ivy - league - school material. For that exact reason, nobody could explain or believe on how he was accepted without even trying to get into a school of this level. Nobody in either family had ever even been accepted to a school like this, and all were successful professionals. Later on, after everything had cooled down and all the hype had subsided, the real business began.

David and Ashley got together and really started talking. They were both in shock, but it was time to get over that. The nerves were high because they didn't know what to do with their wedding in a week. They automatically prayed and went to the Lord, seeking His guidance. They also went to their parents and pastor for counseling, advice, and guidance. On and on this went, working together as a team. They loved each other and were happy for one another, not jealous or mad, but each wanting the best for the other if it meant they would be happy. They sat down with one another and expressed how they felt, what they wanted. Both were in agreement with one another throughout the whole conversation.

Then they came to an agreement on something that took blind faith and trust in God. They came to the conclusion that Ashley was going to apply to the school and trust in the Lord for a miracle. They stood on getting married on their planned date, June 5th, and expected a reply from the school by the wedding day. If there was no reply, they were going to stay where they were and turn down the scholarship because to David, it was not worth it. Day after went by, they prayed and sought the Lord having faith for a miracle.

The day finally came for the wedding. As both of them were getting dressed before the ceremony, they had total peace and had forgotten about the whole school application dilemma. They knew that whether or not they got accepted together, the only thing they truly cared about was being together as a married couple. It had been their dream for years and the fantasy that finally became the reality, and the precious gift that the Lord had given them. It was like a piece of heaven to their hearts.

Time went by and their marriage was going better than they could have ever imagined. Obviously, they wondered what had happened with their application because they never received a response. As they enjoyed married life, they kept delighting in the Lord and thanking Him for everything He had done for them when they didn't even deserve it. That's the way life went, walking with Jesus, just being happy, and playing the game of life as a team.

Then, out of nowhere, The Lord pulled something off that nobody ever even thought would be possible or even fictional, or even science fictional! They got a letter from Harvard University with a reply. It showed that walking with the Lord, obeying Him, and living by faith was something that brought another dream to come true; it was like a wedding gift for the newlyweds. They were both accepted to the school. They could go together

Now, this was exciting news! But it wasn't the end. Inside the letter was something even greater, that would cause money to be no problem. Not only did they get accepted, but they also got a full ride scholarship as a married couple, free housing, food, and all expenses paid in full. They even took David's mom with them, to take care of her and so she wouldn't be lonely. She was part of their hang - out group and was never left behind. They all moved and stayed, all expenses paid until David and Ashley both graduated

The author's comments:
What inspired me was my girlfriend. It is a story that portrays my dream that I have to marry her and live a life together living for Jesus. If there is anything I want anyone to get out of this, is to show people that living for Jesus is the best decision anyone will ever make.

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