First Love | Teen Ink

First Love

March 5, 2014
By Tayler Ramsey BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
Tayler Ramsey BRONZE, Grover, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Babe its six in the morning why do want me up?" I was laying in bed with Cayleb, but I couldn't stay asleep, I needed to talk to him, to hear his voice. "I can't stay asleep, I just want to talk to you." I could tell all he wanted was to go back to sleep and I felt bad for waking him up, but I just wanted to hear his voice, it would probably put me to sleep anyway. "Okay babe, what do you want to talk about." "Mmmmhh Cayleb why did you fall for a simple, plain, boring girl like me?" He laughed, but I really wanted to know. He was one of those guys that could get any girl he wanted, so I wanted to know why he chose me. "Tori, you stole my heart honestly, I really didn't think we would make it this far, but I love you with all my heart and I always will babe, I love you," he leaned in and kissed me. A long kiss, a kiss I could lose myself in, believe that there was nothing but me and him in that moment, a kiss that made my heart beat a thousand times a second, "I love you." He didn't like it when I said "I love you too," because it makes it seem like I feel obligated to say it, but I didn't, I really love him, and I hope I always will.

I was in the room crying when Cayleb came back from his walk, he walked in surprised to see me like this. "Baby what's wrong?" I handed him his phone, which he left behind, clearly a mistake, because there were texts from him and a girl named Mackenna that were sating how much fun they had last weekend at the hotel in Myrtle beach, where he told me he was going on a biking trip with his friends... I guess not. When he was done rereading the messages I had found, he leaned over me and hugged me really tight, saying he was sorry and it would never happen again, but I couldn't take this, the love of my life, the guy I would do anything for, be anything for, had cheated on me. I would never ever in a million years be able to hurt him like that, but the fact that he could do it to me, and lie about it, and still be talking to her, it's just too much. I ran out of the room, out of the house and just kept running, I didn't know where I was going and at that point I didn't care. I just didn't care. I felt like without him my life had no purpose, he was everything to me. I got to the road my best friend Kendell lived on and went to her house. I told her everything, the whole time sobbing, and crying my eyes out. She embraced me in a hug that only best friends knew how to give in rough times, they made everything seem okay, for that moment. For the next week I stayed with her, avoiding any calls or texts I got from him, it wasn't that I didn't want to talk to him, I did, it's just I didn't know if I could deal with the pain of it all right now. I spent most of my time either sleeping or crying, I honestly felt like crap, I couldn't eat anything, and when I did sleep I would have dreams about him, about me laying wrapped up in his arms, saying how much he loved me... I would wake up crying every time, just missing him. One day I woke up feeling like I had no purpose to live anymore, I had lost the one person in my life that actually loved and cared about me and that would do anything for me, or so I thought. He was my everything, my life, my whole world revolved around him, and I lost him, so I grabbed a bottle of pills and was about to take my own life, but I thought, what was the point? The only thing that would come out of my death was my friends and family being sad, and wondering why I would do something so terrible. I was finally starting not to cry every second of the day when I got a call from a blocked number, I had a feeling it was him, but I answered it, "Hello?" I waited a bit, he finally answered "Hey baby, listen I'm really sorry about all of that I really am I regret every second of it, you're the girl I love, and it took all of this to make me realize that, Tori I love you with all my heart and if you will please take me back it will make me the happiest man on this earth, even if it will take some time for you to think, just as long as I know I'm getting my baby back, I'll be okay again." I had started crying when the first word came out of his mouth, I didn't know what to say, I love him, he's the one for me and the guy I fell in love with, I had to take him back, I would love him no matter what. "Cayleb... I love you, but I do need time, what you did really hurt me and just because you call saying all of this doesn't make anything better, I do want you back, I miss everything... but I need time." This time he was crying, I could hear it in his voice, true sadness and I'm that moment I just wanted to embrace myself in him, and show him how much he means to me. "Okay baby whatever you need, are you going to come back home?" "Tomorrow, when I get my things together, I really missed you, but I have to go now, I'll call you tomorrow Cayleb, I love you." "I love you babe, Goodnight gorgeous"

You might be thinking how crazy I am for taking him back, but you would forgive your first love for anything they do, and he is my first love and I would honestly do anything for him, when you love somebody, I mean you really, really love somebody with all of your heart you will understand why I took him back. Now we are happily in love, married with two beautiful children a beautiful little girl, and a handsome little boy, you will find that the most wonderful, happily ever after, relationships, can happen no matter what happens, just as long as you really love the person and you know you made the right decision with them.

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