Hard Lessons | Teen Ink

Hard Lessons

March 6, 2014
By zachy BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
zachy BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout life there are many hard lessons a person may face. It may be one that affects a friend, family member, or one that may affect your favorite sports team. I have faced many hard lessons already throughout my life. One lesson that I learned the hard way was to be a starter in any sport you have to work really hard. When I first started watching my brothers play soccer when I was young, it looked like it was really easy. I didn’t know that, that was when they were in 1st grade.

So when I started playing soccer I didn't really try because I knew I would play a lot. When I got older and kept watching my brothers I realized it changed and they were working as hard as they can. So when I got older I realized I had to work really hard, but it was hard because I never really tried as hard as I could before. But now I always try my hardest and know that I will have to keep working my hardest to stay a starter. Soccer is my favorite sport and I love playing it.

So every time I have a game I like working my hardest because it helps my team win. Hopefully I will play soccer for the rest of my life. But to do that I will need to work very hard. This also is true for other sports too. Like baseball the exact same thing happened when I was young. Now since I am older I work just as hard as I do in Soccer. Another hard lesson that I faced was not as important as the other one but very important to me. It was my pick in the 2012 NFL draft that I did with my brother. WE do this every year and the person with the best team wins the money. The amount of money varies depending on how many people are doing it. In 2012 it was me and five other people.

We all put in 10 dollars and we played winner takes all. After the rough draft everyone thought my brother had the best team and I had the worst. I was really mad because I wanted to win the money. When the quarter finals came it was me vs my brother and my cousin faced my dad. In the end my cousin beat my dad and surprisingly I crushed my brother. I was happy and he was furious. The championship game wasn’t even close my cousin completely demolished me. My cousin was seven. No one thought he had a chance at winning. But he won the money and the draft was over.

Those were just two of the hard lessons I’ve had to face.

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