Washington DC Trip | Teen Ink

Washington DC Trip

February 27, 2014
By Charlotte Connor BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Charlotte Connor BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
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Well we started off the Washington DC trip by arriving at the airport at 5:30 we were all so dead tired. Mrs. Depro's daughter Danielle came on the trip with us. She works with my dad; so she came and introduced her-self to me before the plane boarded. We checked our luggage, and then we were off. Before we boarded the plane Mrs Harty said, "Alright girls remember you are representing our school" that was the start of the trip. We got on the plane and the flight took off, on are way there we had some bumps and of course I was sleeping. I woke up to 'oh no the flight is going down' By gabby. The flight landed and everything was okay. When we got to Washington it was snowing. That was the first real time I ever saw snow so it was really awesome! We didn't stop going when. We got off the plane we got our luggage and put it on the bus. We began the trip. The bus dropped us off at this museum it was called the "newseum" we walked around, and saw all the exhibits. We didn't get much time at this one. They had a special anchor man exhibit so we saw that. I also go a anchor man shirt because all my guy friends love anchor man, I thought It would be funny. They had this amazing 911 exhibit I'm really sad I missed it. We also ate lunch, it was like a buffet they had the best pizza . After that we walked from the newseum to the national archives. That hase every document our countries has ever had in it including the declaration of independents. The thing that kind of sucked about DC was every where we went there was Buku security and it took a lot of waiting outside in the cold. We had to take off all our winter gear to go in. The national archives was kind of boring because it was just document; there was this touch screen bored and I was playing on it. This guy gave me a weird look like I was stupid so I said, "well that's our school for you" and that's where the joke began. From then on we would go by the cubs. We went and visited this church it was huge, it had things like a moon rock in it Hellen Keller was barred there it was ridiculously big. It was also so beautiful. Me, Kendall, Allison, and Muriel ended up in the gift shop where we were trying free samples of fudge and drinking coffee. We were in there for a while; all the sudden they told us the gift shop was closing. We were like, oh okay, so we left and started walking around the church more. Then this guy came to us and told us to go out this door. We started walking, and were like we should probably go back in. We went back in, and the door we came in with our class was locked. We were like oh shoot we are locked in a church with a bunch of dead people. Allison called Margot and was like "where are y'all" Margot was like "we are sitting on the bus about to leave you aren't here?" They almost left us we were like thanks guys. Then we started heading to the church service we were going to that night for mass, but Harty surprised us and let us stop at Starbucks. Which was like the best thing ever. After that, we went back to the hotel which I was so tired from waking up so early; I was also sick so I was glad to lay in the beds they were so comfy. What I didn't know that was just to come of the tiredness of this trip. I didn't know my room mate before so I was glad I got to meet them. After we were done unpacking we went to dinner in the hotel. We all told our waitress it was hartys birthday even though it wasn't. So they sang happy birthday to him. He thought it was funny. After dinner we went up to our rooms to go to bed. I was so happy. I was so sleepy. Next morning we had to wake up bright and early. We had to get dressed get breakfast and be in the lobby with everyone by nine to start our day. I wasn't feeling good at all, but I didn't want that to hold me back. They gave us our metro cards and we went on the subway, the subway was a lot of rushing and people running up and down trying to get places quickly. We were all so thankful for the bus when we had it because the subway was so tiring. We went to all the Smithsonian's. This is where night at the museum two was filmed, so it was really cool to actually see it in real life. We went two three of the Smithsonian's, science, history, and one with like every animal known to man. My favorite was the one with all the animals it was a bunch of animals that looked real but were stuffed. When we first walked in I saw the huge elephant which is like its trademark. I really wanted to go to the butterfly room; this was like a huge room with actual butterfly's flying around. I couldn't find it though so I missed that. We spent the whole day there, ate lunch there, and everything it was a long day, but super fun. That night, we went to George town, got dinner and walked around. I loved George Town, it was my favorite, I think. The town was so cute; it was very hip with a lot of cool shops. At this point, we were all so tired we weren't even making since. We sat in an ice cream shop for a little bit, and waved to random people. It was really funny because most of them thought we were really strange. One girl thought when I waved to her that I new her so she was about to come in and talk to me; then she realized she didn't, got really embarrassed and felt really awkward. After we left George Town we started our first part of the monument's tour. They decided to break it into tonight so we could go to bed a little early. We saw about five different monument including the Abraham Lincoln statue. I was excited to see ab because this is what's on the penny and now I got to see it in real life. It was really funny because we were such typical white girl taking selfies with the monuments. We walked around and had snow ball fights. We went to teddy Roosevelt's monument and we had this huge snow ball fight with everyone because there was this huge pit so we all got in and began throwing snowballs at everyone. I went to throw a snowball at Harty but turns out it was a random guy; that was really awkward. Then we went back to the hotel after we were done with the tour and went to bed. We had to wake up the next morning and do the same thing. I was so tired espresso shots were my friend on this trip. We spent this day going to art museums this wasn't my favorite, but I was really excited because I got to see a Jackson Pollock. I was upset because the modern art part of the museum was closed. After that, we went to the pentagon city mall. It was a five story mall with tons of stores. We only got an hour there so I was sad. I went to Nordstroms and bought this really cute dress. After our time was done at the mall, we finished up the second half of our monument tour. The monuments we went to on the second day were very sad. We went to the one at the pentagon, where the plan crashed on 9/11. It was really amazing. Then we returned back to the hotel. The next day was leaving day so we had to be all packed and in the lobby at nine, to load our stuff on the bus. It was awesome because it snowed the night before, so we had a fresh layer of snow. The first thing we did that morning was go on the White House tour, which I was so excited about I was kind of disappointed because you had to go through all this security then it wasn't too long. It was really cool though to actually be in there. After the White House, we went to the Holocaust Museum; which was my favorite museum by far. Then, from there, we went to the capital and did a tour of that. I have never been so tired in my life, so that tour was pretty dull. Then, got lunch really late and got back on the bus. We had time left, so Harty let us go back to the mall. After the mall, we went back to the airport, we checked our luggage, and got on the plan. Lading was really ruff, there was so much fog so it was hard for him to see. I swear we almost crashed. Me and gabby were sitting next to each other like this is the end. The pilot said "let's give this one more chance" which wasn't too assuring. We finally landed we were back home. I met up with my mom. I could barley talk because I lost my voice. I have never been so excited to sleep in my own bed. The trip was so much fun and a great experience I'm glad I got the chance to have. Even though it was four days of barely any sleep and I have never been so tired in my life I had a great time. I got really close with people I wasn't closed to before I went and with the teachers. I had so much fun, and I wish I would go back.

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