A New Beginning | Teen Ink

A New Beginning

February 27, 2014
By amaral SILVER, Grants Pass, Oregon
amaral SILVER, Grants Pass, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Stay Golden.

I have had enough. I stood outside in the middle of a one-way street as cold rain poured down from up above, not wanting to return to the life I had lived. Was it too late for change? The rain flooded the road and created puddles surrounding me. Looking down, I saw my reflection in the water. I had two choices: I could go back down the road where I came, or I could keep moving forward, not knowing how I was going to build a new life for myself. Gazing at the clouds for an answer, it finally occurred to me: it is never too late for change. I took a step, progressing forward down the road, rippling the puddle that had the reflection of the man I once knew. The old life I lived was washed away behind me. I had never felt so alive.

The author's comments:
This was an assignment in my creative writing class during our flash fiction unit.

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