A rise of nightmares | Teen Ink

A rise of nightmares

February 12, 2014
By AlinaAqua BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
AlinaAqua BRONZE, Auburn, Alabama
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I pulled my car up the driveway, I looked to my left; there it was the door to my past, the abandoned place which was once filled with laughers. I stiffly got out of my car, a little scared to go back. I walked up to the door and fiddled with my keys, till I found it. It was now old and rusty, but it was memory and one of the few memories I held on to. I twisted the stiff doorknob, as I yanked the door open, cob webs and swirls of dust fell to my face. The mice scattered around the house and hid. I very carefully walked in, to find everything as it was left, so long ago, or as it seems.

As I entered the living room, I saw the dust laying over every surface. Dust bunnies tumbled over the creaking wooden floor. Walking to the breakfast table, where old teacups lay thickly crusted with dried mold, I remembered the memories again. I was shocked into a life I was carefully shutting out. Suddenly I was forced to remember who I was and it hurt.
Walking through the halls, and stepping into each room, my eyes showed me the hallucinations, as I would say, of events from the past. First, my sister’s room, there she was sitting by the mirror, with her hair brushes strewn across the vanity, she sat brushing and styling her silky burgundy, brown locks of hair. Then, my brother’s room, he sat on his bed occupying himself by watching TV. and reading his most beloved comic books. Stories played in my head, and showed up around the house, as if I was being portrayed in a play or movie. My heartfelt satisfied seeing them, so I kept walking down the hallways and into the rooms. I didn’t want to walk into my room; I was ashamed of myself, how could I have not tried to do something; I was there…
I shut the door and walked towards the room which had held so much importance to me, my mother’s room. As I walked in, I nearly burst into tears. That day… after father's death, life was hard; mom did everything to keep us happy; the day of my birthday, after a long time we were going to go on a trip to New York. When I got home, there was a dead silence, other than the loud footsteps in mom’s room. I silently walked to her room; the door was cracked, and I peaked in.
“No!” My mouth shuddered, in between the noisy sobs that echoed through the empty house.
I saw her lying on the bed, fast asleep, breathing slowly. Her body was totally at peace, rising and falling. Her innocence showed on her sleeping face, her body still rising and falling. The rising and falling was slow, steady at a pace.1-rising; 2-falling;1-rising;2-falling; rising;falling;rising;falling;1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2;rising; falling; rising;falling;rising;falling;1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2; rising;falling;rising;falling…
I walked to the corner of her bed, sneaking my hand past the side of her old silky bed cloth, which was still stained in a rich maroon that was peaking brown. The other side of her bed was also painted with the same maroon brown stain.
…She was still, there was no movement, no rising, no falling, just a still body in a deep peaceful sleep. It all made sense when I saw the empty bottle of sleeping pills by her bed which was full just yesterday. There was a dead silence and the only noise that was heard was the echoing of someone tapping their foot. Bump, bump; 1-bump; 2-bump; bump, bump; bump, bump; 1-2-1-2-1-2; bump, bump… when the pattern broke there was no tapping; no rising; no falling. The silence reminded me of the quiet stillness before a storm. After a break of a minute, there was a faint chuckle in the room; a figure shadowed above the bed and then the silence was broken by a loud laughter; deafening my ears. I covered them and closed my eyes to block the noise that screeched through my ears. When the noise of laughter came to a stop, there was a gashing noise, all my blood rushed to my head and I felt dizzy. The dizziness forced its way on me and I had to open my eyes. When my eyes steadily opened, I witnessed my mother’s body calm, and still. There was blood splattered on her body and it was steadily stumbling down her arm, painting a puddle on the floor. Then, a faint gasp was heard as a wad of duck tape tumbled across the hardwood floor. There were 2 different yet familiar sobs. “No—Pl—e—as—e—no – don’t!” one of the familiar voices said. The other just faintly cried in the background, sobbing and gasping for air. A loud gunshot filled my ears; then another, they echoed throughout the house. Familiar voices softly whispered to each other as life was being drawn out from them. My mind finally recognized the voices; that’s Jacquelyn and Nathan; my sister? My brother? NO this couldn’t be… first mom? Jacquelyn? Nathan? Who’s next…me? No, no... I began to back up from the door. It felt as if the ground shook beneath my feet when, I bumped right into my mother’s ancient porcelain flower vase and the noise startled the man but only for a second; he looked over at me and as I started to run as he pulled out his gun to aim towards me.
My eyes widened, and the next second I was out the door. We lived near small woods and a road that was anything but desolate. My thoughts raced through my head like running dialogues. Two choices; woods; road; on the straight road he could shoot me down in a split second; the woods I have a better chance of hiding. The road has more people; woods, it’s just me and him. No time Go, go, go, go, sprint, go, run, mom, run, mom, brother, thud, thud, thud, sister, thud, run, thud, 1 leap, thud, 2 leap, thud, mom, breathe….inhale…breathe, mom, oh god, thud, why, run, run, run, run, now, go, go, go! After I got myself together for a moment, I sprint off pushing the hard ground beneath and past my feet. The road was like my track field; it blurred around me as I felt a surge of adrenaline. The steady thuds of my footsteps echoed in my ears and I felt beads of sweat roll down my forehead, followed by a stream of salty, tears that rolled into my hanging mouth that gasped for air. I looked behind me and there was only a blurred silhouette in the distance, and as I turned back to face the road. I witnessed a car racing towards me, and my hands blasted into the air suddenly shot up. I mustered one last breathe to scream. “Help!” my hands still waving, the car was rushing towards me, it came to a sharp stop as it switched over lanes, being an inch away from nearly killing me. In the car was a young lady who looked to be in her late twenty’s. She spoke up “I’m so sorry! Are you ok?”
“Ma’am, please, please just let me in I beg of you, I need you to call the police, please.” I shuddered in between my sobs.
“Uh, here take my phone, you can dial the police…and,uh I suppose you can get in.”
“ Th-ank y-ou.” I spoke between my shudders.
I hopped in the car, and there was a loud gunshot, the lady screamed…
“ DRIVE!” I yelled in fear.
The lady pushed the gas pedal and raced off so fast, there was a sudden push of the brakes and the world was now spinning so fast I could puke. I flew to the passenger seat, head first. A sharp pain flowed through my head. When I lifted my head up I witnessed the car flipped over. She was unconscious; a bold streak of red dribbled down her forehead, and glass had pushed into the car, lying upon the dashboard.
Red and blue lights began to dance, sirens, were loud, my eyes shut and rolled to the back of my head… the world was bare, pitch black and voices whirled through the air around me. The last thing I felt was arms encasing around me before I passed out.

The author's comments:
I really enjoyed writing this piece, as I got lost in the creepiness and in the thoughts of my character's mind.

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