Dark Freedom | Teen Ink

Dark Freedom

February 16, 2014
By megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
megz71 SILVER, St. Marys, Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Those who have achieved success have lived well, loved often, and laughed much."

The trees that once stood tall and proud with leaves of the brightest green have now withered and warped, and the leaves have turned into a shade of perpetual brown. The buildings that once gleamed in the distance was now covered by a gray smog that hovered over the city. The wrought iron lamppost with its ornate curves was now rusted and crumbled with each new gust of wind. The grass had died here long ago. The place that once inspired me with its beauty now depressed me with the death that surrounded me. It caused me to reflect on the person that I had become.

I was once a girl so full of life.The world around me was a wonder and carried new experiences everyday. I once wanted to live every opportunity I had, but something had changed. I now walked around as a shell of the person I once was. Nothing seemed to interest me anymore. I no longer truly cared that the world around me kept moving. I allowed life to pass my by as I went through the motions. My friends and family were concerned, but I assured them that I was fine. I learned to hide my pain from them long ago. I would smile when inside my heart felt like it was being cut apart with a blunt knife one small piece at a time. They began to believe my disguise, and their questions stopped. They will never know about my dark companion.

I had discovered recently that I am tired of the world around me. I no longer wish to socialize with others, and I often find them annoying. I have often retreated to my spot alone to gather myself and surround my self in its beauty. I often completed extraordinary works of art and literature there. Now in this place I will carry out the most beautiful act of my short 20 years. Like this place I shall die, but I will do it while remembering the beauty that was once here. This will be the place where I commit suicide and finally gain my freedom.

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