Football | Teen Ink


February 11, 2014
By TonyMcFarlin BRONZE, Crownsville, Maryland
TonyMcFarlin BRONZE, Crownsville, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot; I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers fear.&quot;<br /> - Nelson Mandela

Practice with your team Monday through Thursday; play your games on Fridays; reflect on what you did right or wrong on Saturdays; watch tape of the previous games; I don’t like watching tape, it’s a waste of time; work out on Sunday for about an hour; push until you can’t push anymore; hit someone else until they give in; you need to sweat; you need to bleed; you need cry when you push through pain; put on that helmet Monday through Friday; punish on game day; work hard for that division 1 scholarship; I won’t get that scholarship, I’m not good enough; fight for a starting spot on the field; defend your house; defend your teammates; go home victorious; be successful in every cut; I’m bad at cuts; every sprint; every hit; every catch; get off the field with the scoreboard on your side; make history in the sport you love; gain confidence in who you are; gain respect of the opposing team; be a leader; be a captain; never lose; never surrender; never quit; be amazing; push harder when your down; eat football; I think it would taste bad to eat a football; breath football; my nose would hurt afterwards don’t you think?; sleep football; think football; be champions; get rings; wear your rings; I like wearing my bling; be proud of your accomplishments; I am proud of my accomplishments; love life; love football; live life; live football; be life; be football; don’t get pushed around; you do the pushing around; don’t get weak; you make players weak; don’t lose faith; you make players lose faith; Don’t get knocked down; you knock down players; What if I do get knocked down?; get back up and keep pushing because you only have one shot at this to make yourself be the best you can be.

The author's comments:
This piece is about my inspiration towards football. What demands I get in my life.

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