72... | Teen Ink


January 13, 2014
By jayag BRONZE, Safety Harbor, Florida
jayag BRONZE, Safety Harbor, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sit in my rocking chair looking out my window watching my tire swing blow in the wind. Hearing my dad arguing downstairs with his new girlfriend as she screams "your drunk, get your hands off me"! I know what he wants but I know he won't say.

72 days... it has been 72 days since my mom passed away, leaving me motherless, alone with a drug addict and an alcoholic who really doesn't want me. Getting new girlfriends week after week just so he can leave me with her and never come back. A girl who also doesn't want me, feeds me water and crackers for breakfast. Not like it's a big surprise, all my dad keeps in the fridge is beer, no food for me. I eat chips, steak and rice everyday. Since my mom passed away my dad has tried everything to get rid of me. No one wants me though.

Most kids hate school but I love it. I don't get beat at school, I have people to talk to and I get good food at school. My favorite subject is writing. Everyday I write a letter to my mom. My dad says I am stupid for writing them but I know she sees my writing them, she understands me.

I go to school looking like a rotten banana, bruises all over me.
My teacher ask what they are from but my excuse is I fall off my bike a lot. I think they are catching on to the real reason why I have these bruises on me. I don't hate my dad, just when he is drunk he is mean. So I hate when he is drunk. Tonight I sat in my rocking chair 72... I took 72 pills. I finally get to see my mom again.

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