The Final Whistle | Teen Ink

The Final Whistle

January 10, 2014
By merk123 BRONZE, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin
merk123 BRONZE, Blue Mounds, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Final Whistle
As the loud whistle sounds we all know it is time to show them what we are really made of. All I hear and smell is the aroma of salty sweat dripping off each person’s head and the loud sniffles from each person’s nose. Also the roars of the crowd were like massive thunder booms. We were using it to our advantage to get pumped up to the maximum peak. At points it was so loud it felt like the earth began crumbling from beneath or feet.
The last shot for the night to defeat Waunakee and for seniors it was their last shot for their entire lives when clock strike zero. It has been eleven years sense we have destroyed the big bad wolf, or as you probably know the Waunakee.
So as the final quarter begins it is like an asylum, because everyone is sprinting around like a chicken with their head cut off. But as we finally came to calm the fun really begins. The hits are coming down with a force on every play and each person is draining their tanks until we are fumes. The punches are flying from each team, it seem like we are in a Sugar Ray boxing match.
The score is at a standstill of twenty one to twenty one. No one is able to get past our army like defenses. Until it finally happened, our offense of coordinator called the perfect play to have our stellar offense score! “Set hut!” Our quarterback yells and he is off, as his legs start to churn down the field towards the end zone, to be able to obtain the lead. He jukes right, then left, to be able to get past the defenders. As the defender closes in to secure the tackle Max Meylor applies a professional grade stiff arm to shove the defender to the ground and leap into the end zone. The crowd and the sideline went wild to the point where we almost get a penalty. It was fantastic, the feeling was unreal! I mean we were about to create history for the first time in eleven years, just think about it how would you feel?!?!
But now we had the biggest task in front of us, we needed everyone to step up so we could stop them and not let them into the end zone. Trotting onto the field for the last time until next year, every ones emotions where as high as a teenage girl that just broke up with her boyfriend. But everyone is ready to do the impossible. I was able to come down with a bone crunching tackle to stop them on third down and put fear in their eyes as they had one play left to be able to win. As the final play takes place Zeke Lesure rose to the occasion and makes an amazing play to be able to swat the ball down and have the game come to an end.
My heart began whizzing faster than a bullet. My emotions were draining out, but in a good way, it felt to me that I had done what I needed to do and I this is what all I needed. But I wasn’t just me the whole team; full of tears of joy poured out their emotions to everyone they saw. Each and every one of us realized that we finally did the impossible, no one believed in us but we finally beat the unbeatable. And as that final whistle of the game filled the air we began to celebrate.

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