Satellite Heart | Teen Ink

Satellite Heart

January 6, 2014
By TalyaGelfand DIAMOND, Bronx, New York
TalyaGelfand DIAMOND, Bronx, New York
58 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Something that comes easy, won't last. Something that lasts, won't come easy.

People are like gravity. They pull you in so tight until your lungs start to bite and your heart starts to fight you.? And for the first time you'll feel special, like a work of art, like nothing in the world is capable of falling apart. Like that first kiss or the vision of the stars in the dark. And you'll compare them to the universe because their mouths reek of constellations and they speak as smooth as the milky way. You'll start to say words you were afraid to leak, because you thought your thoughts would scare them, because sometimes your thoughts even scare you too. Like when you're alone in a dark room and your thoughts become the loudest and your head becomes crowded. And that's why the silence can be so scary; Why we try to fill it with everything we can. We talk and laugh about meaningless things, but the thing is our masks linger onto us everyday, because we're so scared of the things we might say. Once your mask is taken off and you're so scared anymore, people slowly start to leave out the door. The pain is hard to endure; they were like your paramour.

Why does this always happen to me? Maybe I give out free knives with every word, with every breath. But I need you more than ever because you were the ocean and I the shore, always waiting because I knew you were coming back for more. Just this time I'd hope you stayed because your waves were beautiful just like the way you moved. We were just stupid but baby I'm telling you, I've improved. Help me, because I feel so alone in this empty room surrounded by only my thoughts, thoughts of me and you and the things I couldn't do. But you felt you could never be there for me, you never got the clue. You felt I was too in love with you. But since you've left I've just become mad, but I'm not mad at you, I'm mad like the hatter. I'm mad cause you threw away everything that mattered. Come help me because it has gotten dark in this room, and there are monsters under my bed reminding me of you. There are monsters under my bed like Pixar, but I'm not through, because you like my Sully and I was your Boo. I was your Kim and you were my Kanye, and don't tell me you weren't bound too. I know you felt what I felt; it was more than gravity for me. You came down to Earth, but if you look up at the sky, you'll see me among the clouds still not ready for goodbye. I never fell down, I'm stuck, like I've been erased. I feel misplaced and it's getting harder to breathe up in space. It's getting harder to see on Jupiter and Mars. I've become numb as I got closer to the stars.

The author's comments:
This is more of a spoken word piece. I usually play the instrumental of Satellite Heart by Anya Marina, speak the poem during the verses, and sing the chorus. But here's just the poem.


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