Fault | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Joel drives slower now, carefully maneuvering the car through the snowy night.

“Its coming down pretty thick now”, he says to Susan.

“Yes I can see that!”, she laughs. “Do you want me to drive?”

“No, i'm doing just fine.”

Joel sees the sign that says “Mike's Furniture” and gets ready to turn down Susan's road. He glances down to check the time. “9:30, about the time I assumed we'd be home.

“Look out!!”, screamed Susan.

Joel raises his head to see the side of the road coming towards them, he jerks the wheel to stayt on the road but the car slide uncontrollably and skids off the road, jumping the ditch, and bouncing off a tree causing the car to roll twice and come to rest on its top.

He reaches for the seatbelt and tries to unbuckle it. It doesn't come undone. He looks over to see if Susan is alright, she has a gash on her face and doesn't respond. He tries the seatbelt again it comes loose, he falls on his head knocking him out.

Joel wakes up to a paramedic pulling him out of the wreckage. He feels his body being lifted onto a gurney. He hears the EMTs talking as he drifts in and out of consciousness.

“The girl is in bad shape, I don't think she will make it.”

Joel's heart sinks as he hears the last words echo in his mind. He blacks out again.

He opens his eyes and sees the ceiling tiles of a hospital room, the curtain is halfway up and can barely hear the voices of people laughing down the hall. A nurse walks in and pushed the curtain back.

“How are you feeling?” she asks. “Oh, I forgot you can't talk, sorry.”

He tries to open his mouth but it hurts but pain shoots through his skull. He winces.

“You broke your jaw in the crash, its wired shut for a while. But I will need you to wiggle your toes for me so we can make sure you haven't fractured any vertebra.”

Joel looks down and sees his toes moving. “thank God”, he thinks as he rest his head back on the pillow. He hears his father wake up with a big yawn, he hadn't noticed him sitting in the chair at all.

“How are you feeling bud?”, as he gets up and walks to the bed. “Can I get you anything?”

Joel shakes his head and stares at the white ceiling. Bits of memory from the wreck flash through his mind. He remembers being pulled out and hearing the paramedics say the girl didn't make it.

Susan!, he screams in his head, “how could this happen?” He remembers the billboard, and getting ready to turn and then... and then he looked at his phone to check the time.

“Why did I have to do that? Why did I have to even care what time it was?!”

A nurse and a man in a black suit come into the room.

“Whats going on?”, his father barks.

“Mr. Anderson my name is Mr. McDaniel and i'm here to ask your son a few questions about his recent car accident.”

“Can't you just leave him alone for a few days?” his father yells.

“I'm sorry sir but we need to ask the questions while the memories are still clear in his conscious.”

“But his jaw his wired shut, he can't speak right now.”, the nurse mumbles

“Well then are just going to have to have him write it down on paper.”
Joel stares at the tall black man at the foot of the, his young face and eager eyes say this is his first assignment. Mr, McDaniel takes out a pen and pad from the inside pocket of his jacket.

“I need you to print your full name and the top and then your signature directly underneath to verify that what you are about to write came from you and was not forged by any other person.
Joel writes down his name, and then his signature. He pauses for a moment, the blood rushing through his body.

How am I going to hide this? Should I just tell them it was me?

“Take your time”, says Mr. McDaniel.

Joel starts to write the first sentence of what he remembers.

We were driving home from the basketball game. It was snowing and I was going slow. I was about to turn onto the road Susan lives on and that is when the car slid out of control and I closed my eyes and it was over. The ambulance came and now i'm in the hospital.

“Is there anything else you remember Joel? Anything you want to tell us?”

Yes!! It was my fault. I just had to care what time it was and I caused a wreck and now my girlfriend is dead because of me!

Joel shakes his head. The guilt creeping on him like a lion stalking its prey, ready to pounce and rip him limb from limb.

“Thank you for time Joel, we will review the scene of the crash and your testimony and determine if it was an accident or not.”

Joel's body goes numb, like all of his blood drained. The nurse leaves too and his father is left standing there in silence.

“Was it an accident Joel?” his father says, looking at him with pleading eyes

Joel looks at him, tears rolling down his cheek. His father takes a step towards the bed, he grabs Joel's hand.

“Joel, buddy if they find out... if they find out then you will go to jail!

He looks down at the cut on Joel's arm. Joel reaches for a pen and paper on the side table. He scribbles “cell phone” and drops the pen. His father stands up and grabs his coat, heading for the door.

“I will get there before they do, no one will find out about this as long I live.”

He races out the door and Joel is left laying on the bed.

I'm sorry Susan, I hope you are in a better place now. I don't deserve to be happy for what I caused. I'm sorry, I will miss you.

Joel crawls off the bed and hobbles to the window, he pushes it open and the gust of cold, winter air hits him. He sits on the window sill for a moment and looks down at the city 12 stories below.

The author's comments:
This story is a small fear of mine that is always in the back of my head. I decided to express this fear through this story.

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