Change | Teen Ink


December 15, 2013
By bethsaunderson BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
bethsaunderson BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the realtor babbles on about the space and features of the home, I stare out the window. I can see the apartment from the building adjacent to mine.
“I’ll take it.” The realtor stares, taken aback from hearing my voice.
“That’s great! I will get the paperwork from my car.” I watch as she swiftly glides down the spiral stairs and through the front door.
The apartment is fully furnished with outdated furniture. I walk into the study to see the wall of books. Every classic novel you can think of is categorized by time period on the bookcase. The clamping of heels startles me as the realtor arrives in the study behind me. She lays the papers upon the desk and takes a seat.
After signing multiple papers, I am finally able to call the apartment my home. I walk the realtor to the door, shaking her hand.
“I knew you would pick this one, it’s so cozy and beautiful! Well I better get going; I don’t want to delay your unpacking.” She walks to her car and waves goodbye once more before driving away.
I close the door and head to the kitchen. I unpack my kettle and tea. Placing the kettle full of water on the stovetop, I head to the living room to find my vinyl and record player. Bon Iver begins playing as I stride back to the kitchen. I pour the boiling water into my favorite mug and place a tea bag in the water. I take a sip of the scorching liquid before unpacking my dishes.
As I head to my bedroom to begin unpacking my clothing, I hear a knock on my door. I slowly walk to the door and open it ajar. Before me is a woman, middle aged, holding a plate of cookies.
“Hi, honey! I heard we have a new neighbor and I just wanted to introduce myself and make you feel welcome.” She smiles at me and adds
“You’re very beautiful also!” I stare at her a moment before thanking her.
“You can come in if you want, I’m almost finished unpacking.” I open the door to let her through and hear her gasp as I close it.
“This is lovely, is the furniture yours? I love it!” She walks around the apartment admiring the space.
“No, it came with the apartment, even the books.” She smiles at me again.
“Then you’re a very lucky girl, this is beautiful. Do you mind?” She motions to the couch. I shake my head as she takes a seat.
“I just came to bring you these cookies, I really must be on my way, I didn’t want to disturb you. Do you mind me asking your name?” She hands me the plate of cookies and I respond to her question.
“My name is Tabitha.” She smiles once again.
“My name is Helen, it was nice meeting you Tabitha, I really must be going. I hope you enjoy yourself here.”
She stands and begins walking to the door,
“Goodbye Tabitha.” I nod and shut the door behind her. I walk back to my room and begin unpacking the remainder of my clothes. Right as I finish, I hear the clock hit 9. I settle into bed, for it has been a stressful and long day for me. Tomorrow I will go shopping for food.
I wake up at 6:30 and head to the shower. The warm water massaging my shoulders calms my nerves as I think of what I have accomplished yesterday. I still can’t believe I have this home to myself. I turn the knob and the water stops hitting my back. I step out and wrap a towel around my scrawny body. I go through my closet to find a flannel and jeans. I throw my hair into a bun and grab my purse before entering the chilly autumn wind. The closet grocery store is 3 blocks so I decide to walk.
People stare at me as if I am different. A man stops me, grabbing my arm.
“Are you new to this area, sweetie?” I nod and try to pull my arm from him. His grip tightens and looks at my body.
“Good luck.” He lets go of my arm and walks away. I’m still, unable to comprehend what just happened. I shake my head and proceed to the store. As I am waiting in line at checkout, everyone stares at me with a puzzled expression.
“Why would a girl like her be living here?” A woman asks her husband. He looks into my direction and shrugs his shoulders.
“I don’t know honey. She seems young; maybe she had nowhere else to live.” After paying, I quickly walk home.

As I stock my shelves, I find myself gazing out of the window in the living room. The sun shines through, rays bouncing off the violet vase holding white roses. The entire room glows a purple shade, looking even more beautiful than before. I shuffle to the window, gazing at the birds flying in the clouds above. I open the window and am welcomed by a cool breeze. I finish stocking the kitchen and head to the study. I scan through the classic novels, and choose A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. I grab the quilt sprawled across my bed and make my way back to the window. I carefully climb out of my window onto to the roof, book and quilt in hand. I wrap the quilt around my shivering body and begin reading the novel.
“Hi, I never knew anyone lived there...” I look around and see a man’s head sticking out of the window from the building adjacent of mine.
“I just moved in actually.” My voice shakes, my anxiety slowly creeping into me. The man is about my age; his hair is a light shade of brown and is pushed up in the front. His blue eyes glisten in the sunlight and his smile is beautiful.
“Do you mind if I come out and read as well? The weather is lovely today.” I nod and he takes a seat just outside his window with a book in his hand. He sees the curiosity in my expression and reads my mind.
“It’s Great Gatsby. Great read.” He pauses then adds, “My name is Matt by the way.” He gives me a crooked smile, hoping for me to answer.
“My name is Tabitha. It’s nice to meet you, Matt. I will be back; I’m going to prepare a cup of tea, would you like some?” He stares at me, surprised.
“Yes, of course. Thank you Tabitha.” I smile at him while climbing through my window and rush to boil water for the tea.
I come to the window and see Matt engrossed in his novel. A crease across his forehead forms and I can’t help but smile. I just met him, but I can tell we will have a lot in common. I make my way through the window and he looks up from his book, a friendly smile forming.
“Thank you so much, Tabitha.” I stretch my hand out to his, handing him the cup of tea. I watch as he takes a sip, his eyes lighting up.
“This is wonderful.” I nod and take a sip of my own whilst opening my novel.
The clock in my living room startles the both of us.
“Would you like to come over for dinner?” I stare at him for a moment before smiling.
“That would be lovely. I will go put my things away and will be right over.” He stands and waves.
“Ok cool. I’ll see you in a few then. “
I climb back though my window and head to my bedroom. Grabbing my toiletries, I walk to the mirror and begin freshening up. After applying mascara to my eyelashes, I stare at my reflection. Why is he talking to me? He doesn’t know me…
I stand in front of Matt’s apartment, seconding my decision. Before I walk away from the opportunity, I quickly knock on the door. After a few moments, there is still not answer and I immediately regret my actions. Pivoting away from the apartment, I hear a click and am greeted by a sweet aroma dancing around my body.
“I’m sorry, Tabitha. Please don’t leave, I’m so it took me so long to come to the door, the-“
It’s okay…” I interrupt Matt’s apology.
The night drags on with Matt telling me his interests and describing his career.
“Don’t you agree, Tabitha?” He stares at me longingly, waiting for a response.
“I’m sorry, Matt. I zoned out, can you please repeat the question.” I look at my plate, warmth spreading to my cheeks. Chuckling arises from his chest, causing him to shake gently.
“It’s ok, Tabitha. It wasn’t important anyway.” He stands from the table, grabbing our dinner plates on his way to the kitchen. I stride to Matt, carefully placing my hand on his shoulder and squeezing softly.
“Thank you for dinner, it was lovely. I would love to do this again some time.” I pivot towards the exit, but Matt grips my forearm and pulls me to his chest.
“Thank you for coming tonight, Tabitha. I enjoyed your company.” He embraces me and squeezes my torso, showing affection. He pulls away and sneakily kisses my left cheek. I smile kindly at his actions and grip his hand before letting go and walking out of the apartment.

Months and months pass, allowing us to fall in love ever so gently. One Thursday morning in April, Matt is at my door, a bouquet of roses gripped in his hold.
“Happy anniversary, Tabitha.” My lips form into a smile, bigger than expected.
“Happy anniversary to you as well, Matt. What is it, 8 months?” He steps into my home, taking in his surroundings.
“Yes, 8 months.” Matt looks around the small space, searching for something particular.
“I have to use the restroom, I’ll see you in a minute.” He kisses my cheek and turns to the hallway.
I walk into the kitchen, ready to prepare our dinner when I hear a buzz coming from the counter. Matt left his phone here while leaving the room and he keeps getting messages. I unlock his phone to reveal the text.
“Are you coming over again? I can’t wait to see you, Matthew. xoxo”
Who is this? Who would be sending a message like this to my boyfriend? I click on the message and a name appears: Samantha. My heart pounds, I can’t believe he would do this.
I hear the bathroom door creak open and Matt comes into the room.
“Is that my phone?”
“Who is Samantha?” He reaches for my phone, but I keep it close to me.
“She’s just a friend.” He tries again, but I shield the phone.
“Why is she sending you this?” I show him the screen and he closes his eyes.
“Matt?” He doesn’t answer.
“It’s nothing, Tabitha. You have to believe me.”
“No, Matt, this is something. You’re cheating on me, you told me you love me, it’s our 8 month anniversary!”
“I’m sorry. I’ll change, I swear.” Matt gets down on his knees, begging for forgiveness.
“Go to Hell.” I walk out the apartment to my car. My cheeks become damp. Is it raining, or is it my tears? I don’t know. I get in my car, where am I going? I have to leave, go somewhere, anywhere. I pull out the driveway and onto the road. The rain picks up, pounding on my windshield, demanding to enter my vehicle. Tears flood my eyes, I can’t see. Where am I?
I stop at a red light, banging my steering wheel with my hands.
“Why? Why, Matt, why?” My emotions gain control and I floor the gas when the light turns green. Why is everyone going so slowly? I look at my speed, 90 MPH. I drive onto a bridge, slowing down slightly. What is that? It’s getting closer. Closer.
Grabbing the wheel, I jerk to the right. No, no, no, I turned too much. My body is in flight, along with the car I am in.
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Five seconds I’m in the air. Five seconds I’m flying. A jolt awakes me from my thoughts, the car sinking into the river. The water is cold, like a thousand knives entering my body. The pain is unbearable.
One. Two. Three. Three seconds and I’m underwater. Holding my breath. I can’t take the pain any longer. I inhale the liquid around me. The oxygen in my lungs is replaced with the river water.
One. Two. I black out.

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