The Broken Arm | Teen Ink

The Broken Arm

December 10, 2013
By Anonymous

It was friday, October 19, the day before science camp, a field trip I was in suspense for years. We were all excited and energetic. I partook in a basketball game with some of my friends. I carelessly sprinted from side to side across the bruised and damaged pavement, trying to sprint and capture the ball. Although it was a vision in my complex mind, I could tell it was exhilarating. My abnormal height made it easy to capture the ball, and my bony dark legs made it easy to accelerate my speed and be able to pass defenders. I was relieved all stress and tensions. My mind was calm but my body jolted towards the ball, and I could feel my muscles desperately clenching together. All I wanted to do was win, and that was all that mattered to me.
As I had mentioned earlier, it was all a blur, and a recollection I had savaged over a period of 2 years. I barely remembered anything that happened back then. If someone asked me the weather, the location, any dialogue, or even the appearance of my friends, my reply would be unclear. It was one of those thoughts that eroded away in my mind. However, I recovered one crucial element in the story. I remembered falling to the ground directly on my left arm, and seeing curb in an outward position. My left arm swayed violently, and the bone protruded from my weak arm. My dark brown skin grew pale and the sharp features of my face tensed together. One of the vital bones had snapped causing this traumatizing event. Although there was no blood, I was frantic from the pain and the confusion.
Another memory I’ve kept, is waiting at urgent care. I had never broken a bone before, so this event was unimaginable to me. I was welcomed by Dr.Heinz, who had tattoos draped across his body, and looked quite intimidating. He asked me As I frantically entered hi booth, I saw degrees across the walls, and was assured of his expertise and professionalism. He had a soothing voice, and no apparent temperament. He harnessed a strong will for pediatrics and I could tell from his body language.
I left the hospital with a flashy neon cast, I wore it for about 6 weeks, where a day did not go by without thinking about tennis, the sport that I loved but could not partake in because of my injury. After that time period, I was put in a brace, and was given physical therapy. At this point, I was able to play tennis and participate in Athletic abilities.
I will never forget the pain I was put through. However, the injury taught me to stay positive through traumatic events. I realized that things happen when you least expect them, and you just have to stay positive and strong. That year, many things changed. My grandma passed away, my brother left for college, and much more. I wouldn’t have navigated through that rough year without the broken arm that fixed my problems.

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