THE BIRTH | Teen Ink


December 10, 2013
By RemyC BRONZE, Stockton, California
RemyC BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There I was in the living room, watching television. My mom was over for dinner for my 21st birthday. She was on the phone with my Aunt, Stacy fussing and arguing over something. Then I overheard my aunt say my name over the phone. I silently strolled closer to eavesdrop.
Then my aunt said over the phone, “Are you going to tell Gerald?”
“Tell me what?” said Gerald, as he walked into the kitchen like he wasn’t doing anything. “Oh it’s nothing” she said, as she hung up the phone real quick. “What is it? Spit it out.” said Gerald, with an eager face.
“Ok.” said his mother. Then she told him the story. “When I was pregnant with you.” she said. “I went on a trip with a navy man named George Hemsworth to Toronto.” she said.
“Where was pa?” he said.
“Pa didn’t love me so I ran off and met George. Jeffery isn’t your father his real name is George Hemsworth.” she said.
“Why haven’t you told me this.” he said.
“I didn’t want to hurt you, now listen to the rest of the story,” She said. “George and I were on a vacation for one month and a half. Then one day I just felt a kick and fainted. Next thing you now I was in labor in the hospital,” she said. All these years and now I know.
“Is that why you didn’t want me to get a form for Little Caesar’s when they had a help wanted sign.” he said. “Yes, now let me carry on. “So since we didn’t have a United States birth certificate for you, we had to pay a man for you to cross the border,” she said. “Then me and your father split, so I moved out, and decide to move here after to San Francisco.” she said. “And why after 21 years, you’ve never told me this?” he said.
“I didn’t want to hurt you but I didn’t mean for your life to be a lie. I wanted what was best for you.” she said.
“Well you could have at least told me,” he said. “I need to go somewhere to take this all in,” he said. “Be back by ten, and don’t be late” she said.
So then Gerald went to the library, and went on every website looking for his father. Not one name came for Jeffery Mathews. Finally he found one man named Jeffery Mathews, and he lived in a little apartment in Manhattan. So he got all his money from his bank and flew off to Manhattan the next day, but before he left he just told his mother goodbye. When he woke up he arrived. When he got there he checked in into a hotel, and checked his luggage. There was a note it said here’s Jeffery’s address, hope you don’t get lost. He was now in the busy city, and it was very hard to find little apartments in Manhattan. He arrived at the motel; he went to the head clerk, and said.
“Do you have anybody renting here by the name of Jeffery Mathews” he said.
“I can’t give out any information about our customers.” The clerk said.
“Well I’m just looking for my lost father and I was wonder if you’ve seen him.” he said. “Oh I’m sorry ill check, yes there is, he’s actually in C142” The clerk said.
“Oh thank you, and have a wonderful day.” gerald said.
“You too!” the clerk shouted from a distance.
Then Gerald walked his way up the stairs slowly. Then he went down the hall stood in front of the door and knocked. After a man about 43 opened the door.
Then he answered “who are you.”
“I’m your son Gerald.” he said.
“What are you talkin’ about I don’t have son.” jeffery said.
“Yes, you do my mother’s name is Shannon Hemsworth, but her maiden name was Shannon Farley.” gerald said.
“Shannon Farley Shannon Farley, oh yes we were together for 5 years. I was going to propose to her the next day, but she left and didn’t tell me she was pregnant.” jeffery said
“Well I want you to meet her, and talk to her.” gerald said.
“Ok, when do we leave?” jeffery said.
“First thing tomorrow morning, I already bought your ticket.” gerald said.
“Ok, good night now” jeffery said.
“You to, well by now nice meeting you dad.” gerald said.
Then before Jeffery went to sleep he thought to himself, “she I go.” Then the morning came, Jeffery left earlier then Gerald, and wake up Gerald by knock on his apartment door.
“Open up it’s the police, just kidding its Jeffery your father.” He said.

Then they took a taxi to the airport, and before they knew it they were on the next plane to San Francisco. They arrived in about eighteen hours, when they got they stop a taxi. Then they arrived at Gerald’s mother’s house. They knocked on the door then Gerald said “Open up it’s me Gerald” She opened the door and replied “Hello Gerald, and who’s your friend. You didn’t say you were bringing anybody home.”
“I’m pretty sure you know him you know, his name is Jeffery Mathews my father.” gerald said.
‘Gerald can we talk alone.” shannon said.
“Yes mother.” Gerald said.
“Why did you bring him here? We did not agree on this.” she said.
“We did not agree not to.” gerald said.

Then they went in the house. Talked a little, and had some coco.
“Why did you leave him.” gerald said.
“I was better off without him Gerald.” shannon said.

After the conversation was over it was bedtime. Then the morning came it was back to normal. Except he had the question “Why did she leave.” Then the years passed by and the family was back to normal once again. That’s the story of Gerald Hemsworth.

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