Nobody | Teen Ink


December 5, 2013
By Danielle Cafin BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Danielle Cafin BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Nobody, for that’s what I am, nobody. You see I’m that girl that sits in the back of the class, not saying a word. That girl that sits in the corner of the lunch room where none of Somebodies eyes would even glance at; the little shadow in the hallway that no one even cares to take notice in. Well, that’s me.

Some people think that I lost the ability to talk so that’s why I stay away from people, too save myself from the humiliation that would occur. But just so we’re clear, I am perfectly capable of talking, I just choose not to. My guidance counselor thinks it’s just “my way of protecting myself because my parents are divorced and I don’t want to get hurt” but honestly, I’m fine (I also think my counselor needs counseling for herself).

You see that’s who I am; at least, that’s who I was. Until that one day when something happened that I thought might never come.

I was sitting at my table in the corner of the cafeteria and I was aware of the new girl that had arrived today, I just thought she wouldn't actually sit with me. But that is exactly what she did.

She didn't say anything, which was a relief to me so I didn't have to talk either; she just took out a book and began to read.

I caught a good look at the cover, and my jaw opened. It was my favorite book. A question raised up to my throat but I started to wonder if I should ask it. She doesn't know you, I tell myself, take a risk for the first time. “Do you like that book?” My voice is surprisingly strong for its lack of use, but I try to not look too surprised by it.

“It’s my fifth time reading it.” Her voice is a little hoarse, either from a sore throat or she doesn't use it much, like me, I won’t bother to find out.

“I've read it seven times,” I reply, and I did something that I haven’t done in quite awhile: I smiled.

That was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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