Down Memory Lane | Teen Ink

Down Memory Lane

December 9, 2013
By NKEnnard BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
NKEnnard BRONZE, Cadillac, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Pump the gas pedal two times to prime the carburetor, then turn the key and listen to the Flowmaster muffler crackl’n. The blue beauty pulling out of the garage; waiting for the choke to turn off. Pulling out the driveway sideways, all you can hear and smell is the tires.

The rare time I get to spend time with my uncle and his classic car even though it’s for a couple hours. He takes me and me only because classic cars mean something to us. I hope just one day he will be generous enough to hand his car down to me so I can do the same thing with someone special enough, which one cares about the car as much as I do. To make this car a family tradition to pass down would make me the happiest person alive.

Doing fifty five miles per hour down U.S. 131, looking out to the farm fields occasionally see a deer or two. The warm breeze blowing into the window. We head down to the first gas station and fill up on premium 93 octane.

We leave the gas pump and tear off to Mcbain Road, because of the view and the car wants to overheat while doing a constant speed. Passing all the corn fields, seeing how much the corn has grown over the years. The road ends on the out skirts of Falmouth. We turn around and head back towards Cadillac.

We hit Main Street! The look of people staring at the car, as it is rumbling down the road. We start at Pizza Plus my family owned business and end at PBS, the last gas station on Main Street. We turn right and drive down Sunny Side drive so we can do the loop around Lake Cadillac.

These are the little memories that my uncle and I can look back and talk about. Since we don’t get to go for rides anymore we are glad we did.

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