Flowers | Teen Ink


November 26, 2013
By Deadhead BRONZE, Lowell, Arkansas
Deadhead BRONZE, Lowell, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You must never stop. Stopping means giving up, and you're stronger than that.

“Sometimes when one is forced to move on, it’s like a volcano is erupting. Think of it that way. You have these feelings building up inside of you, you don’t know what to do. Some people just explode. In what- I don't know. It depends on the person. Sadness, anger, it just depends. That’s what happened to Susan, and I think what’s gotta happen with you- you've gotta understand that she’s not coming back. You’re the one that’s gotta move on this time. Just try to handle it better than she did. I’m here. Talk to me.”

I can't talk to him. I can't look at him. He doesn't understand. I stared at the icy water not more than a few inches away from my feet and plucked a daisy between my fingers. There's more to the story than he will ever understand. Than anyone will ever understand. It makes my heart hurt to think that no more than four months ago, me and Susan sat here, planning out our future together.

"I don't know man." I say. I pause and clear my throat slightly.

He turns to me. "You know, I hardly see any daisy's around here anymore." Guess he decided to change the subject. "Why do you pick 'em all?"

"Daisy's were her favorite." I tell him and crush the delicate petals between my fingers.

He is silent and so am I.

The author's comments:
I thought of an old relationship when I wrote this. However, that person did not pass, only their love.

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