Todos Somos Equal! | Teen Ink

Todos Somos Equal!

November 11, 2013
By _jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
_jessicaolveraa SILVER, Greenville, South Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
No llores por el sol, porque las lagrimas te haran perder las estrellas.

Locked up in a world with freedom.

Run!! !Hay vienen los sapos!

Zssss… Snakes, trees, vines, and water being dropped as the sacks are being dragged.

“Welcome to Houston, Texas” we read as we pass buildings, and tress, more buildings, and people, white, black, brown, more buildings, we pass by callejones that remind us of our barrio.

Panaderías, supermercados, Wal-Mart, K-Mart.

Been sitting in the van for the past two days, passed New York y mas cosas. “Ya llegamos!” We yell as we step foot of from that mini-van.

Everything is green, everything is paved, and everything is different.

No dust or people in the streets. There’s a laundry, but no tendederos. We stick close and try not to look at los gringos. One by one we step foot in a land, that ones belonged to our fathers.

These aren’t the only Estados Unidos. Our country is also Los Estados Unidos

Red, white, and blue. No red, white, and green. No bandas or norteñas, corridos or tribal. No cumbias or bachatas, mergengues or quinceañera. We were now in a new culture that made us seem isolated.

No more posadas, o tamales. All McDonald’s and Santa. No more Reyes Magos, the only kings here are the pop stars.

No more bodas en el centro. Where are the dogs that usually appear during the bride during the cake?

Once años han pasado……

Andale ma’ you gotta learn English!

OH quieres estar de tonta en este país all your life?

No ma’am ¡! No puedes ama!

It’s been eleven years, seen president after president pass by…


Y nada, they just go on, as if our vote didn’t count.

We respect your country, so respect your promises. Nuestra morenita, we’ll help us as long as we pray.

We came crossing rivers and mountains, stay in school, fall from top roofs, hacemos sus yardas, and harvest your food.


Finally ama, mis hermanos y yo, can work legalmente. I have a chance to
get my license, get my ID, and continue mi educación ama.


Hace un ano, y nada. Presidente after presidente. Son solo unos mentiroso!
We’re waiting to see you act, that’s why we reelected you. Porque prométase! Nos prometiste, all 12.5 millón of us.

It’s okay though. Imaginense that we weren’t here.

Who would harvest your plants NADI!

Who would make your Mexican restaurants? Si ni saben como hacer una torilla.

Somos iguales, in God’s eyes, but yall believe según por las leyes que no somos.. Are we going back to Jim Crow Laws?

Separados but equal.

It’s fine though. We don’t hold grudges; we know where we’re from. Y no necesitamos papeles to make ourselves feel…


I’m not going to lie. Algunos si somos bien tontos! We don’t appreciate the things that this country does give us. Venimos aquí porque queremos S-U-P-E-R-A-R-N-O-S!
Not to take your job!

Nosotros, los latinos somos uno. We don’t segregate ourselves even if some are
2. Honduran
Puerto Rican
Costa rísquense

We are all iguales. All come crossing different borders to get to ONE pais.

Some come on train, crossing two borders, or getting into fights and being kidnapped by Los Maras.
Others come straight from below. Cross the river como un mojado or by the mountains y cruzar el desierto, where Los Zetas charge you to pass, or get you head cut off si resistes.

We don’t come from Mars and land en tu país. So don’t call us A-L-I-E-N-S!

Some of us come bien chamaquitos, we aren’t Mexican or Americans. Somos ninguno. We love American culture, but have the green blood in us.
!. Tequila
2. Pulque
3. Cerveza
4. Piñatas
5. Virgin Mary

So, are we still aliens? Are we still different? Are we so weird because we have a darker color skin? Because we can speak two languages perfectamente?
We celebrate Christmas, we go to church, we believe in the same God, we all wear clothes, we all have traditions, we celebrate New Years, we celebrate birthdays, we throw weddings, we are HUMANS! Entonces porque when we cross that México-USA border no somos iguales. Just because you all have a legal status, you all have legal documents. Yo tambien soy legal in my country, but I too am legal.

Acapulco, el D.F., Aguas Calientes, Hidalgo, Monterrey, Sinaloa, Puebla, Guerrero, las playas of my beautiful México, Machu Pichu, Bogota, Cali, Chile, Venezuela, San Salvador, Panamá.

We don’t kick you out. We should, you’re not legal! You’re not a legal Mexican. So why can’t we be here. Why can’t we come on vacations here?
Are you guys so royal. You have the right to move country to country without a problem. Somos nosotros una basura?

No señor! Es que todos somos E-Q-U-A-L!

The author's comments:
I wrote this story based on personal information. And what is really going on in the USA.

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