The Wonder of Winter | Teen Ink

The Wonder of Winter

November 17, 2013
By LivyGirl98 BRONZE, Marinette, Wisconsin
LivyGirl98 BRONZE, Marinette, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I peer out the window.  I see the wind rustling through the treetops, and I watch their trunks sway back and forth.  Dead leaves are pulled from the branches one by one, and come flipping and swirling down to the ground to join the countless others.  All vegetation has felt the nip of frost, causing it to be drained of its beauty and color.  The squirrels that played so cheerfully and the birds that sang so happily just a few months ago have all vanished.  There's no sign of life other than the occasional bursts of wind that stir the leaves.  The grass has lost its former lushness and dark green color, now replaced by short stubble that is a dull yellowish-brown color - matching the rest of the world.  I sigh as I observe the gloominess of the outside world.  But wait - what is that?  I see something white floating down from the sky - could it be?  I rush outside and look up toward the gray clouds, willing them to release another.  Yes...yes, there it is!  Another flake of white comes rushing down in front of me.  Then another...and another!  Soon they are coming down by the hundreds, and I watch as the grass before me becomes frosted with snow.  I stand there watching this wonder for a great while, marveling at the greatness of it.  Soon the whole world around me is covered with a blanket of white snow, causing everything to sparkle.  The dead world that I observed earlier is now replaced with a beautiful brightness and beauty. I smile. Winter has come.

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