Auditions | Teen Ink


November 13, 2013
By animelover82 BRONZE, Menan, Idaho
animelover82 BRONZE, Menan, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'You can tell the character of a man by looking at his friends'- Japanese Proverb

I woke up this morning in angst; it is my thirteenth birthday. Sighing I wanted to go back to yesterday, when I was twelve. My triskaidekaphobia is telling me I should hibernate a year; puberty and acne awaits me. Knowing I had no other choice but to get up, I rolled over and fell off my bed. I stood up and looked around my messy room. A jar of peanut butter, dirty clothes, school papers, and my favorite stuffed animals littered the floor. I looked in the mirror and smiled meekly. My brown hair had major bed head on the left side.

Not taking notice of my cat, Moon, who walked in, I began to find my clothes for the day. Randomly grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a Batman T-Shirt, I quickly put them on. I looked in the mirror once again and noticed something was missing. I began to look from my hair down to my feet quickly when I paused at my right wrist.

I began to panic as I realized my lucky horseshoe charm bracelet was nowhere to be found! I needed it for the a cappella audition later today. It has always been my dream to do a cappella ever since I saw my older sister sing in the talent show.

I rushed down the stairs to see if I left it down there; nowhere to be found. I knew nothing could help me more than that bracelet. I couldn't think of anything to do but to call my best friend. He didn't answer the phone, and I freaked out more. I left a long message telling him the situation. Bad luck was happening was happening to me right and left!

I checked the clock and realized I needed to go to the audition. I didn't live far away from the auditorium, so I walked. When I arrived, I felt under-dressed. I saw so many other girls dressed in cocktail dresses, make-up, and high heels; then there is me in jeans, T-Shirts, and sneakers.

I waited impatiently as I heard some of the other's auditions. Some of them sounded like velociraptors, but others sounded like beautiful song birds. When my name was called I walked on stage and sang. They said I did well, and I felt the same. They told me they would call me.

Two weeks later, I got a call back.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for deviantart's birthday

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