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October 21, 2013
By byond BRONZE, Singapore, Other
byond BRONZE, Singapore, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Not a wasted word.”

It was simple. No kissing in the rain, no sneaking-out-at-midnights, no kissing under fireworks. Nothing that was even worth being written down, or let alone harbor moments that were movie-worthy. But it didn’t really matter.

Because in their eyes, it was an adventure.

It had been 3 years and the blissfulness in waking up next to each other was still there. He had grown a head taller than her but their kisses were still as natural as they were back when they looked the same age. She still felt chills down her neck to her shoulder when their palms locked together. He still worried when she fell ill even though he’d watched her brave through countless sick days before. They had different personalities, but they learned to love listening to each other. Whether it was him mocking a new arrogant politician or describing a new ice cream flavor she discovered. The way they learned to fit around each other would always stay the same; they were the kind of couple who knew it wouldn’t make much of a difference for them if they got married.

They preferred not to label themselves, or each other. And if someone else attempted to, their words never stuck. Because they did things for each other and not for the rest of the world.

They revolved around each other
and all everyone else could do
was watch.

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