The Goal | Teen Ink

The Goal

October 3, 2013
By Anonymous

Jacob Schuit
Hour 2nd

The Goal

The day started off like any other, but it sure didn’t end that way. I had a hockey game against the Bull Dogs. My coach was really excited about the game because he knew we had been working hard at practices. Coach called us altogether right before the game and said remember to play as a team, keep your heads up and hit every kid you see.

I was playing a great game. I was hitting people and they were going down hard. The other team got a penalty for tripping so we were now on a power play. There player went to the penalty box for his two minute penalty. My team went out for the face off. The puck dropped and we won the face off. Now we are in their zone passing the puck around. We took a couple of shots but no luck. Next thing I remember is someone passing me the puck and I took a slap shot towards their net. All I remember seeing is the puck hitting all three posts and falling right over the goalies left shoulder into the net. My teammate’s yelled, good job and well done. We won that game that day by a shutout. It’s a goal I will always remember.

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