The End | Teen Ink

The End

October 8, 2013
By Osasogie BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
Osasogie BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard"

I looked out the window to what could possibly be the end of my life. I looked out at the truck that was parked in my driveway through my Victorian window that had bars on it for no reason. Its orange color represented the end of life to me. In a few short hours my life would be completely over. I thought it best to reminisce in all the wonderful moments I had in the room I had lived in since I was a young man. Wow, I had had actually lived in this room for eight years.

I looked at the deep blue walls that had been painted by my Step-dad and I when I was still young in this room. That was the best moment I had with him until he died. I looked at the pictures of my family and I that lined up my dresser. I remember when we were still a happy family like the family in those pictures. I remember those times as being such good times. I looked at my small and totally uncomfortable bed as it stood in the corner of my room. It was made of metal and the springs in the matrass were already popping out which on most nights gave me a bloody back. I looked at the small urinal I called a bathroom and almost threw up because it had not clearly been washed in the last eight years.

I walked out my door as I heard a woman call my name. I saw the woman but she wasn’t my mom. She led me down a strange corridor that had people reaching out at me through bars. I got to a room, which the woman opened and I saw an electric chair and that was when reality hit me.

My name is Jake Stone, and I murdered my whole family.

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