The City Walls Can't Hide Much | Teen Ink

The City Walls Can't Hide Much

October 8, 2013
By Ruth05 BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
Ruth05 BRONZE, Addis Ababa, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Miss de la Cruz,” I announced, “ you're up.” Miss de la Cruz or better known by her first name, Poppy, got up and dusted the back of her yoga shorts. She had a noticeable crease in the middle of her forehead as she strolled to the middle of the stage. However, she didn't look nervous, that's the thing about the de la Cruz family. They were millionaires and with their money came confidence. The soft music came up as the lights were directed to her, signaling Poppy to begin her routine. Starting with a simple flip, she arched her body and landed on the other side of the stage and got lost in her dance. Some see her as the definition of life itself, with her perfect family, good looks and riches. However, the de la Cruz family wasn't as holy as the acts they put up, which not many people were aware about. But if you're living in New York City, the city walls aren't as thick as they seem and sometimes secrets sip through. Like the fact that Poppy didn't know her father had been living a double life. She wasn't aware of her, twin, half siblings or her soon to be stepmother, who she's always known as her favorite waitress at the café down the street. It's for these reasons, I was hired to disguise myself as a dance teacher for Toxic, the biggest gossip magazine in the country.

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