Destiny Game | Teen Ink

Destiny Game

September 30, 2013
By Fariha SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
Fariha SILVER, High Point, North Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let your self down.

I wsa a little girl who trusted everyone.She has those prettiest smile and beautiful eyes. She was just like a Barbie Doll.But maybe that's why God call her really early or someone just don't like the way.She killed her just,because she was a girl that's was her fault. "Why a girl can't born? ." Why when girls born ,they kill her?"They always for get that their mom was a girl too.

Still now a days those people thought if it's a girl.They start making those worried facese.But if it was a boy they start dacing and giving sweet to every single people houses.When that boy grow up,he start telling his own mom and dada to get out from his house.And the girls that those parents gonna to kill her. She with her parents.She always trying her best to be like a guy.So she can have some her mom and dad love.But always her bad luck came front at her,because she is a girl.

Then she start getting older and she can't allow to go out with her friends.If she really wanna go somewhere.She have to cobver her a whole body.And if she talk to any other people specially guys.She will not be allowed to came back to her house again.She's not allowed to talk to her relative.She will be killed.When she was born everyone scared about her.If she fall in love with someone.So she going to leave her mom and dad.

This always happen's when you feel like no one loves you and everyone hates you,she just want screaming.There is no way she can run from her destiny.And one day that person came to her life who make her to see her self important she is and how beautiful.But for that guy,she was just like a girl that he can use her as a toy or tissus.

But at the same time she was totally fall in love with him. She already plan for her marriage and for her kids.At the time she found out about was already too late for realize about that he was totally wrong .She always have that feelings that something is wrong.But she thought maybe no one never love me like that ,befre so that why she having those feeling.

One time she told him anout that feeling and he stsarted acting like.He is killing his own self. That he can't leave without her.She start believe and trust him. One day she was so ready to do anything.She run away from her house.And when she went his house.That it was so small. One bed-room house and one rest-room.And so many people in his own house.

But she have her house was really big her mom and dad's house.Once she told him that,she wanna go to her own house.His house is really small and she can't leave in that place.And he slap her on the face and he scared her that if you run from here.He is going to upload her video were they will kissing in youtube.She was really scared.She try to killed her self,but her parents came to his house and take there daughter with them.She was really surpise and at the same time she was happy.That her mom and dad love her so much,she was totally wrong.

She was feeling really guilty.And can't even look ather mom and dad's eyes.And they take her away from from that place.But that guy went to court and he was keep saying her family slap her and scared her.If she wasn't come with them,they gonna to kill her.But her mom and dad was ready to go to court family member.They won the cause.She was really happy and guilty.But her mom and dad was with them,because that another guy who used to love her so much .

But she always hate him.And he make so much money so he can make her happy.And he make her feel like princess.He love her as alowly slowly she fall in love with him.She was so happy,because he was her true love.But fall in love with someone who love you,because sometime you don't know who is important in your life.And that person make her feel portect and comfortable.For him she was a princess.They start living a beautiful life.

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