Bitter Sweet End | Teen Ink

Bitter Sweet End

September 28, 2013
By Anonymous

In that moment, I relized that all the love that was between us was gone. Tryale would not or ever want me. I had ruined everything.
In that moment I relized I would never be able to hold him in my arms. I would look back on this day when I had grown old, with white hair streaming down my back like a water fall. I'd think about how we could have had everything in the world, and now none of that would ever be. All because of one thing. Hate. Hate destroyed my one hope of being happy.
You know in all those stories when the princess rides off into the sunset with her prince. Well, in this moment right know my chance of ever having that was driving somewhere far, far away.
In that moment I relized that I would miss Tryale for ever, and he just didn't give a f***.

The author's comments:
somebody asked me if i knew you. a million memories flashed threw my mind, but i just smiled and said i used to.

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