Five people you meet in heavan | Teen Ink

Five people you meet in heavan

September 12, 2013
By Anonymous

This novel that I read was about a man named Eddie. He worked at a pier and he saw that the ride was going to break down and there was a little girl at the bottom and had no time to move, so he died for her. In there novel there will be life lessons and morals as he reaches five different heavens.The genre and theme of this book was made to inspire other people and see the rights from wrongs. The genre of this book is fictional.
A current issue that can relate to this book is either texting while driving or drinking and driving which can lead up to an accident. Both of this can cause you to harm the other people on the road that are around you. Drinking and driving causes you not to know wha tis on the road because of how vague you see after you had a few drinks. Texting and driving makes you concentrate so much on a text that you can miss red lights or road signs. These can lead to an accident and once you experience an accident then I’m sure the person would learn and not do it so it won’t happen again.
Another issue is being in a bad situation with you bestfriend and neither of you know what to do. Say you tell your bestfriend something that you wouldn’t want someone else to know and she tells the other person, that can cause you to lose your own best friend. That’s called back stabbing. That’s how people learn not to trust others because of their actions and not just your words. You can say you trust someone but in the end you have no one but yourself and you learn that and it makes you not want to trust anyone again.
Last situation would be if you have studied for an important test or quiz. If you don’t study for a test or quiz because you don’t think you have the need to or you just don’t feel like it, then it can lead you to getting a bad grade. Once you have noticed you have had a bad grade, you wouldn’t want to do that again. It will teach someone to study and be more prepared so that the outcome is better.
The purpose of this essay was to show that there are actual situations and in every situation it may teach you a life lesson. This novel that I read showed five different life lessons from the more important people that the man had to face. After something happens to you didn’t expect to, you then learn and now so that you wouldn’t it to happen again.

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