Playing it Cool | Teen Ink

Playing it Cool

June 20, 2013
By brandon2345 BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
brandon2345 BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Destruction is a form of Creation

Maria looked at me and smiled today in math class. It was an amazing feeling. A thousand butterflies flew through my stomach. It happened so suddenly that I didn't know what to do so I looked at her for what seemed an eternity, in amazement, and then finally smiled back. “Ewww. You’re nasty!” Maria yelled and pointed at me making it clear to the whole class what was so nasty about me. A big huge snot bubble was coming from my nose and was making its way down to my mouth. I probably didn't notice because I was so nervous. In all out embarrassment, I sucked in the snot rocket with my nose and ran out the classroom. Everybody was laughing at me as I left.

I ran to the bathroom slamming the door open. I looked in the mirror banging my head with my hands, not hurting myself but hard enough to take out the feeling of embarrassment from me. “Stupid, Stupid, Stupid” I said repeatedly. “Stupid! How can I be so stupid?” It was surely an accident, she’ll understand, it was only an accident right? She’ll forget about it right? Ah who am I kidding, she doesn't like me. Who would like a nerd who shoots rockets from his nose anyways.

The bell rang and it was time for history class. Of course, Maria had the same class as me, again. I ran to history hoping to be the first one to sit down so nobody could see me walk in. I arrived to class and there was Maria, standing there with her long brown, curly hair, surrounded by the other popular kids. One of the popular kids looks at me and says “Hey look it’s the booger eating freak.” They all laughed, including Maria.

At the end of the day, at my locker, Maria came up to me. Up to me?! Why? Why would the most popular girl in school want to come up to me after what happened today. She’s definitely coming here to make fun of me, I know it. I thought that had to be it. I tried to act like I didn't see her coming and looked straight into my locker just staring at it waiting for her to come and mock me. She stood next to me while the locker door stood between us so that I couldn't see her face and she couldn't see mine. She wasn't saying a word and I still pretended that I didn't see her. I kept staring into my locker, looking past the book and binders and just stared at the blank wall, waiting. I was waiting for her to say something to me. Why isn't she saying anything yet? I closed the locker door and there she was staring at me. I guess she was waiting too. “Hey I’m sorry about today. Are you okay?” she said in such an angelic voice. She talked to me! She finally talked to me! Is this a dream? It couldn't be because the butterflies were back. This is my only chance, time to play it cool. I cleared my throat and uttered out “Umm yeah I-I’m fine, Thank you. I’m Johnny by the way, what’s your name?”

The author's comments:
I am a Junior in high school. The development of this piece of writing was assigned to us by the teacher as a genre exploration. I decided to write fiction as the genre and naturally came up with this piece of writing. I hope you like it.

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