A Chance | Teen Ink

A Chance

June 17, 2013
By CreatureCarl BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
CreatureCarl BRONZE, New Brunswick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Jump out now!”yelled Alex while him and his friend Rick drove the car off the cliff. Alex and Rick realized they had done something very wrong that would send them into a infinite pool of trouble. Rick really never wanted to get involved into this situation but having a friend like Alex meant he would sooner or later in up in a mess.”We are so screwed man!” Yelled Rick.”Rick shut the hell up!You complain and worry too much.”said Alex.“ Why not worry? It’s not like we just drove you know, a damn drug lord off a cliff!”Responded Rick. At that exact moment The two friends had the idea of escaping to another country.”Where do you suppose we go,huh Alex?”I don't know Mexico or something.”Are you kidding? we barely have enough money to drive to another city.” “Your right.”responded Alex.”Your uncle Tony hes got guns lots of him doesn't he?”Questioned Rick.”But we're going to go on foot seeing as though we have no car.””My feet are getting swollen like hell how much longer?”Shut up it’s just up ahead.” When Alex and Rick arrived at uncle Tony’s house they were greeted by a man in a suit and not Uncle Tony.”Agent Ricky Martin i would like to ask you two a couple of questions.” Alex and Rick turned around and and dashed away. Agent Ricky Martin at that moment pulled out two darts the size of Shaquille O'Neal’s hand and shot them a both putting them to sleep. When they both woke up they were in a dark and very disgusting basement.”Crap Crap Crap Alex wake the hell up””What?Rick where are we?”Suddenly a light bulb turned on.Then there he was,”Seems we had a miscommunication in the beginning “said agent Ricky Martin.”I’m sorry we’ll answer all of your questions,just don’t hurt us please.”Pass me a cigarette and I’ll start talking”Ricky Martin passed Alex a cigarette and lit it.”Thanks brother”said Alex.”What the hell is he going to do to us” Rick thought to himself.”Okay I know what you did earlier.we have been keeping an eye on you two.You know how to get the drugs,that is why the FBI needs you. My partner will give you two the mission briefing.” Then a very large man named Albert Martin stepped into the room.”Aight listen up ladies the SSAOCS needs you to intercept a drug shipment coming in from Mexico.’

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