The Block Party | Teen Ink

The Block Party

June 7, 2013
By Darius Marshall BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Darius Marshall BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Block Party

One hot summer day in New Orleans, BJ tries to keep his deceased brother's legacy alive by throwing the hottest block party of the summer. But he has a few problems to overcome first, one jealous baby-mama and a crooked cop trying to sabotage the whole event. To begin the day he has to go to court for the results of a child that is being put through a mess. As the court came into a closed session the judge came storming into his chair. The judge name was Larry and he was a judge that was not to be played with. As the baby-mama was telling her side of the story and tried to make it seem like BJ was the so called father of her child. Well the results were in and the results came to BJ not being the young baby’s father. As he celebrated and looked at his best friend Spook, they both left out of the courthouse with nothing to lose and happy as ever. As they was going back to their neighborhood they was planning a block party on the last day of summer as his BJ’s big brother tradition, but there was one problem. They didn’t have any money to buy a dj, food, and extras. It was their lucky day when two brothers were getting chased by the police and dropped a bag of money right in front of BJ’s house. As the slowly pass by Spook goes to the sidewalk and smoothly picks up the bag and sees that their is money in it. BJ counted the money and it came up to four thousand dollars. That was enough to get everything that they needed, but they had just one little distraction. BJ so called baby-mama was watching his every move and she would go cancel all the orders and tell everyone that the block party is cancelled. So BJ and Spook was back to phase one with no money and no block party, but BJ had a girlfriend that was willing to help him out with everything. She went to the caterer, dj and all the extras and pays it all back. BJ and Spook was too busy getting chased by the two brothers that dropped the bag of money in front of BJ’s house. As the police catches the brothers again, BJ and Spook break loose away from all four. As they walk down the block they happened to hear music and people talking. They both turned the corner and seen hundreds of people dancing to that good New Orleans music. BJ just looked up at the sky and said “I didn’t let you down big bro.”

The author's comments:
It is a movie

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on Jun. 9 2013 at 12:48 pm
henryab522 SILVER, Mequon, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
My own self, at my very best, all the time.

hell ya darius