He Handed Him a $100 Bill | Teen Ink

He Handed Him a $100 Bill

May 29, 2013
By CarruthHA BRONZE, Bayside, Wisconsin
CarruthHA BRONZE, Bayside, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He handed him a one hundred dollar bill. What he was to do with that 100 dollars he did not know, but he did not owe it or found it on the street and was giving it back to its owner. He did this out of the kindness of his heart. The man that received this bill was Frank Jones. He is a stay at home dad that has always wanted to be an actor. he participated in the plays that the city put on for free, but he always wanted to be in a Hollywood #1 movie. Frank has been recovering from a financial drop in his family. His wife recently got fired from her job as an architect for target stores. She built the most high tech, most expensive Target ever, but Target was running out of money to pay its workers. When she did the slightest thing wrong that could have been easily fixed she got fired. Now the family couldn’t afford to pay the bills and got foreclosed. They had to move into an apartment building that had two rooms and a kitchen. With one 4 year old kid and another one the way they need a bigger place than this. Frank and his wife have been struggling to find a new job. They had to settle for a job as a pirate entertaining for childrens birthday parties. When he received this money he knew exactly what he wanted to do with it. That was the gas money he needed to drive from Portland, Oregon to Hollywood, California. He had been begging his wife to go but now he had the money to go to hollywood. He drove to Hollywood the next day and tried out for a role as a pirate who sailed the seven seas. He got a call the next day and they said he had a call back and they said that him and another no name actor had to compete for the part. He was so excited he almost cried. He was meant to do this. This was his dream. He rehearsed all night, and knew he was going to get the part. When he got there he waited 36 minutes and it was finally his to go and show them what he had. He started to talk “I was once a little boy who dreamed to go sail the seven seas..” and he went on. The director was moved to tears. He signed him without even consulting with his team. Directly after he got a call from his wife asking where he was. He was bawling. He said “ I got a job on a movie.” Everything started going uphill for him then. That man, who gave him 100 dollars out of the blue, changed his life.

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