Words of Wisdom | Teen Ink

Words of Wisdom

May 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Whenever I try to remember back to my first crush, I think about all those butterflies that I got whenever they walked into the room. I’m pretty sure they almost always had my undivided attention. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget that feeling. When I remember back to my first break-up, I begin to feel lonely. After that break-up, all I could remember were those incredibly painful feelings of loneliness. They fact of the matter is humans are the only ones who can show their emotions to any kind of situation in their lives. Humans are incredible creatures. We can love, hate, cry, and feel or express any kind of emotion.

Growing up, I always had a hard time dealing with my younger brother. He was always so emotional, especially once puberty had hit him. He had his first crush, his first girlfriend (although, I’ve never really considered her to be a REAL girlfriend), as well as, his first break up. I’ve never been the type to give advice, none worth listening to, at the least. When he came back home after his first break-up, I remember telling him that feeling upset is a gift. I said to him, “being able to show that you’re upset whenever you are is a gift itself. Some people don’t realize it at first, but if humans had no emotions… think about how the world would be like today.” He started getting tears in his eyes for a few minutes and then proceeded to bury his face into my back. After realizing how upset he was, I began to pat him on the back. He had a moment to himself, he began to walk out of my room and says, “Thanks for that. It opened up a whole new outlook on life… Seriously”

“In all honesty, it hurt me so much to see that he was crying over a girl. It hurt to see him go through such a hard time at such a young age. However, things happen and we just need to learn to accept it and move on. I, myself, go through the struggle of having my emotions get the best of me, at times. Whenever my emotions would run deeper than my thoughts or actions, I always try to remember back to the same advice I gave my brother. Humans are able to feel emotions and show it, and for this we should consider ourselves to be quite blessed.

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