Hawaii | Teen Ink


May 26, 2013
By minnie-chappell BRONZE, Coronado, California
minnie-chappell BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the ocean mist splashes gently across my face, it refreshes my body from the stress it went through all day long. The beauty of the pink touching blue as the sun sets radiating its last rays of the day is a sight that jogs memories, some nice and others nicer. The salty ocean breeze ruffles my brown hair and blows me back on the shore with the ocean waves kissing my feet as I dig them into the warm sand. Ocean mist splashing again on my face and my hair ruffled, I wipe my face with my warm hand and am reminded that I get to spend five more days here. I take in a deep breath letting the salt air run through my body, and making it feel at peace. This is where I belong, in a warm sunny place looking over the ocean and watching the sun go down… I belong in Hawaii.
I wake up in the hotel room, quickly running to the curtains and thrust them aside. I smile, looking at the sun and the bright blue sky. didn't’t want to waste any time so I hurriedly went and woke up everyone, and slipped my bathing suit under my clothes. Once everyone was ready we went to get breakfast. I got a waffle and a warm latte. I sat on the bar chair overlooking the hotel pool and could see the kids swimming and splashing each other, as their parents were sitting on their chairs reading and soaking up the sun. I ate the last bit of my waffle and grabbed my latte jumping in my seat. “What’s wrong with you Minnie?” Jessica asked, “did you have a little too much caffeine?” she laughed.
“No, I just really want to go swimming so hurry up!” After everyone finished what was on their plates we headed to the beach. Without even questioning it I went and rented a surfboard and jumped in the water. As I waited for a wave to come I looked back at the coastline where the salty sea water crashed onto the shores of the picture perfect beach (Waikiki). The sand was flawless, like brown sugar. The blazing sun lit up the sky, and tinted the skin of those enjoying the beach. I looked back toward the ocean as it extended thousands of feet out in front of me, the water was crystal clear If I wanted to I could count every little grain of sand. All the sudden I saw a dark shape under me, I panicked it was round and dark green it inched its way closer to me and was coming towards the surface. All the sudden it peeked its head out of the water engulfing air. I fell of my surfboard into the warm water, and when I came back up I noticed it was a sea turtle. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen but before I could get a closer look at it, it already started to swim away. I pushed away the thought as I saw a wave started to form, I turned my board around and started to paddle as hard as I could. I felt myself start to glide and stood up on the board, all my worries about school and friends were pushed to the side and I just thought about the present. When you are surfing it feels like the moment you’re in is where you’re supposed to be. There’s no greater feeling than surfing and that feeling of being part of the ocean, you feel like you’re on top of the world. I fist pumped in the air as the wave started to get smaller and smaller. I paddled back out to sea where all the other surfers where and repeated the cycle of paddling and catching the waves over and over again until my arms got to sore. Hawaii was definitely one of the best vacations I have ever been to, I felt like I belonged there and can’t wait to go back again!

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this piece after I was in Hawaii for a week, it was just a wonderful experience and it needed to be remembered.

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