No Memory | Teen Ink

No Memory

May 23, 2013
By kknguyen721 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
kknguyen721 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She woke up that morning and felt very refreshed. It was in that second that she seemed happy and everything was perfect; everything was perfect. Next to her was a 6’2” marine lightly snoring.

They had met 2 years ago, and quickly fell in love. Fate drove the two to tie the knot 3 months ago.

Lost in thoughts, she started feeling sick. She ran to the bathroom, and realized she was pregnant. The two celebrated and later found out they were having a girl.

2 months after beautiful Lily was born, he left to serve his country. She waited, and Lily waited. Day after day, month after month, one year.

She saw a black car pull up, and she quickly ran to the door. White cap, black uniform. The look on his face was hard, but she saw that sadness in his eyes. Words came out easily, as if he’s said them too many times.

She couldn't speak. He gave her some papers and she just closed the door. She felt tears coming, but in that moment she couldn't cry.

In the coming years, Lily laid flowers at her father’s grave. She has no real memory of him, but she knows he loved her.

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