yelling | Teen Ink


May 7, 2013
By Anonymous

There she is standing by the sink washing the dishes.
As she starts to reach down into the dirty, nasty, soapy water.
She picked up a cup, but didn’t realize a steak knife fell into the cup.
So when she went to dump the water out of the cup so she could
Clean the cup. The knife falls out of the cup as it cuts her hand open.
While her mom is standing next’s to her screaming her head off.
Her mom asked her how she cut her hand open. She said I cut my hand on
A knife. Mom you need to get me to the hospital now. I am bleeding badly.

Then as they arrive at the hospital her mom is still screaming and yelling
my daughter needs help! Someone please help us. My daughter cut her hand and split it open
Badly. My daughter is losing blood someone helps. A doctor heard the lady yelling and rushed over to
Help. So he took them back to look at the girl’s hand. Then he asked what she was doing before she got
This cut because her. Hand is infected she might have to get her hand cut off then both of the ladies
Screamed. Then the mom passes out because the thought of her daughter might have to get her hand cut off.

The author's comments:
i was just wanting to write something random

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