Creepy, Crawling, 8-Legged Creature | Teen Ink

Creepy, Crawling, 8-Legged Creature

May 2, 2013
By AshBennett BRONZE, Coronado, California
AshBennett BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hate spiders because one time I was at the Bay Club pool, and my friends and I were sitting in the Jacuzzi with our backs to the wall. Without our knowing a spider crawled onto my back! I felt something tickling my back, and my reaction was to try to shake it off. Once my friends alerted me that this was a live creature, I plunged underwater! Only coming up for air, I flailed my arms flipping my hair and shaking my entire body. I noticed the feeling again; this time it was acting as I was, freaking out trying to attach to a part of my back. I begin yelling “Get it off!” and my heart rate raises. I dive underwater for the second time and start spinning like the crocodile’s death roll. I reach the surface to find the spider acting just as I was: flailing its legs, burning in the water, and finding a sort of land to stop swimming. Breathless out of fear, I peer into the bubbling hot water. My friends and I watch him for a moment; we then splash it out of the Jacuzzi. As it lays there we examine it, it turned out to be a black widow with a black diamond belly on its stomach. We stood there pranced by the information we just found out, as we were about to leave, and thought the spider was dead, it got up and sped away never to be seen again. This experience has made me scared of spiders ever since!

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