Heartache | Teen Ink


May 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Tiff my Sweetheart,
How is everything going back at home? I hope the family's ok and not worrying too much about me. You know I can take care of myself and I hope I can get back real soon so I can give you that special ring you deserve on your finger. I always carry a picture of you in my back pocket and miss you dearly. I can't lie; the things they ask us to do are really gruesome. Why can't they realize they don't want us here??? There's no reason for us to be here. I can only ask God for forgiveness, and feel horrible that we have to be in their country, their home. It makes me sick how popular those Call of Duty games back home. People shouldn't enjoy that, and killing a computer model thing isn't the same as taking a human life. This is real life. They had a family and future that they would've changed. But when I return home I don't want to feel like the enemy. We carried out our orders and of course we feel bad. Some can't handle it and people need to realize we're human too. Here people want to see the change in the government we our effort to make up for what we did before is taking way too long. Anyways I don't want to bore you with all the politics. But there is a good side to this. Many of the children we meet along the way look up to us in awe. I'm glad I can be a role model to these children that don't have many. They always ask questions about America and the American traditions. It makes you appreciate everything we have. I don’t think I’ll ever be the same after this. Anyways how's your new job? How is your mom feeling? Baby I love you a lot and will be home soon. Please keep your head up!
Your Love,

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