On Leisure Island | Teen Ink

On Leisure Island

May 13, 2013
By KyleWahBalls BRONZE, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
KyleWahBalls BRONZE, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Angels on Leisure Island
I can hear the colors sing to me. This never ending wonderland and I doubt I’d ever wish to depart from here. A Ferris wheel burning, roller coasters plummet, and a colony of bright and colorful carousel rides. The amble children gallop about and dance in circles like a sunflower patch, screaming of candy for plea. Still young and fledging in joy, consequences do not exist here. I swallow butterflies as I coast onto the Ferris wheel. Chiming bells and whistling horns forever ring in sequence to the pulse of my eardrums. Powdered sugars raining from the heavens as do my euphoria.

Puerile squeaks leave my mouth on the sight of decadent contentment. My teeth pierce the crispy creamer’s gooey surface. Cream whipped in ecstasy squirting from the base line of the fattening pastries. Youth’s eyeballs rolling into the back of their head as it’s glazing over. Taste buds bubble as the goop surges south. “Take bites out of the world, as a pastry. Take it as your own, newborn. Cry for mama’s worth attention and plead you want it all, and all need you. The cream will rise to the top as you become king,” echo the angels. The angels know what’s right and they all call my name for an answer. Life’s a delicate delight full of delicate delights, but even dough turns sour and sweets can become spoiled. Like fruit, I rot, and this can’t last forever.

I long for a tight suit of skin, and hair thick as oak. I am a pail of cement, and I’m hardened. I was moist and lively, a virgin to jubilance. I touch the wind, pulling me to the dark. The blind eyes couldn’t catch the time. I can’t find time now, and don’t think I will. Soon the sun will shine and I’ll answer the angels. For now I spring in leisure, running around rings of candy apples.

The author's comments:
My experience and memories from going to amusement parks as a little kid.

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