Losing Touch with Reality | Teen Ink

Losing Touch with Reality

May 13, 2013
By cbuell413 BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
cbuell413 BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She was Susanna
She was different
Not the different that’s always the same
But different than any different I’d seen before
Our friends were sort of … out there

His name was Jake but we all call him Sam
He had a talent for color
Despite never having seen true red
I guess he just cherished the colors that
His brain could process more for it.

Jill doesn’t even have “safety” in her vocabulary
Thank God they looked out for me on my first “Jill Thrill”
She always has a new cast for me to practice my John Hancock

iPod in the Flesh
Welcome to Lucas
He’s dipped his toe in just about ever genre,
Playing more instruments than Sam has sketch books.

Susanna brought me here-
the island of misfit toys
with the lost boys
and searching girls
and gave me a family.

Susanna was different because she liked me
And didn’t even care
I wasn’t real
That none of us were

We daily steal her away
We’d go on adventures
Movie kind of adventures with a soundtrack
scored by Lucas
Distant lands were closer than they appeared
Susanna lost touch
but gained us.

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