Croaked | Teen Ink


May 5, 2013
By Ryan Mecca BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
Ryan Mecca BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Suzie lay in bed with the covers up to her chin listening to the croaking outside her window. It had kept her up all night.
Outside her house was a beautiful fountain. Once it got inhabited by toads and millions of tadpoles and algae particles took over. Her mother spent days cleaning the fountain. It was a lot of work. She had to pressure wash and scrub it clean. Finally, she got it close to beautiful with clear water, no algae, no toads, and less mineral deposits. Suzie’s father, Thomas, thought he heard toads one night, but her mother, Jane, brushed the thought off. Then earlier today, she saw a large toad in the fountain while heading out to pick Suzie up from school. When they got home, Suzie and Jane fished the frog out and found millions, literally millions, of eggs. In fact, when they came up to the fountain before fishing it out, it was in the process of laying more eggs! Suzie took it down to the lake and threw it in. Meanwhile, her mother scraped off as many eggs as she could.
Her mother was very upset. All her hard work was for nothing and family was coming down in a few weeks. It was only a few hours later that another occurrence happened. Suzie left her book bag in the car and asked her dad to get the door and watch her go out. She got the book bag and heard tons of loud croaks. They were coming from the pond. She set her book bag down inside, got a flashlight, and worked up the courage to peek in the pond. There they were, 5-10 frogs laying eggs right in front of her! Everyone was very discouraged and Suzie went up to bed to sleep off the sadness and is now kept up by too much croaking. Poor Suzie.

The author's comments:
I'm weird and random. I was very bored.

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