Catch yourself | Teen Ink

Catch yourself

May 4, 2013
By cts32019 BRONZE, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey
cts32019 BRONZE, Hasbrouck Heights, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Chase perfection Catch excellence."
-Vince Lombardi

“Impressive! Three banks in three hours, I am on a roll today!” I thought admiring my robbery skills as I pulled into my parking space of my soon to be lean meats franchise. With all the money I have now, there is no way I can be stopped. As I parked, I noticed two men in dark suits, wearing sunglasses like secret agents. They simultaneously gave me a your-life-will-never-be-the-same-look. .
“We’ve been expecting you. Eric.” One man said.
Only two questions came to me. Is he here to try my company’s product? Will he be the person with the connections to make me famous? My company came first. I would do anything to put them on top.
He told me about the bank heists that have been on going. As if I didn’t know. He also told me the robber’s next target was Fabiano Bank. How did he know I was going for that one next? I saved that one for last. That bank is owned by my adversary Matt. He founded it after I fired him from my job. He claims he will prevail.
The man also said if we catch this robber, the reward would be ten percent of all of the money found. I agreed immediately that would bring me great publicity and billions of people would come to me for help. Only one problem, I am the robber. I can’t turn myself in; my company would go out of business. All this would go to waste. They told me to get in the car now.

The bank is about ten minutes away. That means I have ten minutes to figure out what I am going to do. Since nobody knows I am the culprit, I will just wait with them.

We got to the bank and the whole town was there.

The man told me that the robber was inside and there is no escape, I go in and save the money. I agreed no questions asked. My company will be a success. As I went inside the entire town cheered, exclaiming things like “Finally our town will return to its original peacefulness” and “that man’s a hero.”

I went straight to the money cellar and completely forgot I was the robber. Who was robbing the bank? I didn’t care anymore. Nobody needs to know that I was the original. That was one less problem I had to deal with. I turned the corner and the robber was running the opposite direction. I let him get outside and then took him down so everybody could see. With my martial arts experience, I easily took him down in three seconds. The crowd cheered but the cheering got dimmer and dimmer and dimmer. I was running away with the money. I tried to stop. I don’t need to steal anymore. I will have it all. I finally stopped in the back of a police car.

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