Lost in the Pain | Teen Ink

Lost in the Pain

May 2, 2013
By Lauren Shoaf BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
Lauren Shoaf BRONZE, Palatine, Illinois
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Victoria Smith had it all. She was athletic, pretty, rich, and smart. Every boy wanted her and every girl wanted to be her. She was the girl that everyone was always talking about. Victoria’s whole high school thought she had everything going for her, that everything in her life was absolutely perfect and easy. All they saw was Victoria Smith, a beautiful girl who was amazing at dancing and who always received straight A’s. No one really knew how much stuff she was going through. No one knew that she was scared to go home at night and face her father and no one, not even her closest friends, knew that her dancing career could be over in the blink of an eye.

It all started when her mom moved out. That’s when everything started to crumble. Her family fell apart and so did she. They would always tell her that it wasn’t her fault, that her parents just couldn’t handle each other, but deep down Victoria knew that she had caused all these family problems. Now that she was only living with her father, things had become a lot stricter. She had to get straight A’s, she had to go to dance every single day, no matter what, and she had to be home by curfew, no arguing that one. Her father was pushing her harder than she had ever been pushed before and she honestly did not know how she hadn’t snapped yet. The worse was dance. She used to dance for fun, to get away from everything. It was her escape. But now it felt like a chore to her when all she wanted was to have fun.

Victoria basically grew up in a dance studio; her mom was the one who convinced her to try it. She had been dancing for 11 years and had loved every single second of it, well mostly. She was always dancing, she didn’t care where she was, she had to practice. She was a very outgoing girl and that is why dancing in front of crowds came so naturally to her. She would pretty much dance for anyone who would watch and a lot of times that’s why any boy who would watch her would fall in love instantly. The way she could move her body was breathtaking, any dance teacher would say that it was god given talent. She was a natural. Victoria knew that she wanted to dance for the rest of her life and that is why the phone call she received on February 24th changed her life forever.

Victoria had been having very bad back pain, very frequently. When it first started which was many years ago, she just ignored it. She didn’t tell anyone because she didn’t want anyone to think that she was faking it. But it had gotten much worse in the last 6 months and frankly she just couldn’t ignore it anymore. She told her dad and her dance teacher and they decided I was best to take her to the doctor to get some x-rays taken. She thought that it was probably just s stress fracture or something that couldn’t heal on its own, but she was very wrong. When the doctor finally called back with the results of what was wrong with Victoria’s back, she could tell why her tone that it wasn’t good, at all. This was the moment of truth.

“You have scoliosis” Said the doctor. Victoria’s first reaction was her wondering what in the world that was. But later she found out that it is when you develop a curve in your spine over time. If you wait long enough and don’t get it treated it could actually be deadly. Her options were to wear a brace for 18 months 24/7 except for when she’s dancing or to have surgery to straighten her spine. She choose the brace because that’s the only way that she could ever have a chance to go on to still be a professional dancer.

Since starting to wear the brace, Victoria’s back pain is getting better gradually. She is still able to dance and will be able to go on to dance in college. She actually has been offered a full ride scholarship to Julliard, which she is planning on taking. All the things that have gone wrong in Victoria’s life as showed her that there will always be a great outcome. No matter what.

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