First Morning of Summer | Teen Ink

First Morning of Summer

April 16, 2013
By yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel the tingle of freshness coming to my nose and the sounds of morning in the kitchen. I still don’t move. I am in the most comfy cocoon of my life. My blankets are wrapped around me like the gentlest hug in the world. I still continue to lay there motionless letting my senses take it all in. The aroma of bacon drifts down the hall and creeps into my room. I hear the sounds of my mom preparing breakfast. I hear the light steps of my sister walking down the hall. I feel the sun warming my face as it shines through the window. I slowly open my eyes then quickly squint as my pupil fight off the brightness. I slowly open my eyes again and my room comes into clarity. The baseball hats on the shelves, the skateboard leaning against the wall, my football helmets sits on the desk. These are all the items that make me who I am.
“Breakfast is ready” my mom calls. I still don’t want to move but I realize that if I don’t hurry all the bacon will be gone. I shoot out my room like a rocket. As I turn the corner into the kitchen the smell of fresh biscuits assails my nostrils. The sweet smell of the biscuits and the sight of bacon and gravy make my mouth water. My taste buds step into over drive and I haven’t even had a bite. I grab a plate and a biscuit. The opposition of the cold plate and hot biscuit tingle my hands. I open the biscuits and the fresh smell and steam waft out into the air filling my nostrils with the most heavenly smell. The color of the fresh plum jelly is beautiful. I glide the jelly onto both sides of my opened biscuit. Next the gravy pours from the ladle onto my biscuits like a glorious waterfall. The steam rises as it covers the biscuits. I grab a few pieces of bacon and crumble them on top of the gravy. The smell of the fresh bread, gravy and bacon tantalize my taste buds and the anticipation grows. As my fork pushes into my biscuits and gravy cutting off a piece and it travels to my mouth I close my eyes and welcoming the deliciousness. This is the best morning of my life. This is the first morning of summer.

The author's comments:
This describes my ideal morning.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 23 2013 at 3:26 pm
aladine_98 SILVER, Hemet, California
8 articles 0 photos 69 comments
I enjoyed your writing. It was very nostalgic, and also descriptive, like your description of gravy as a "glorious waterfall", and the sentence, "These are all the items that make me who I am." It's like you captured a moment in time, and it's good. Keep it up.