" Into the Shadows" | Teen Ink

" Into the Shadows"

April 11, 2013
By Taz77 SILVER, Belleview, Florida
Taz77 SILVER, Belleview, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sneak around the corner, lurking in the shadows. Trying not to be seen by unwanted eyes. A spy on the verge of a major break through. Lately someone has stolen from "Pavilion Museum". But that nonsense is about to stop. The burglars are right before my very eyes, hauling the museum's items into a huge semi. Unfortunately, I didn't think to come with backup. But I got the license tag. And just as I'm about to turn around...I see him. The detective from the meeting this morning. How could he betray us like this?! Coming back to my senses, I turn around. Sprinting to my car, then, Crack! "Ha ha you will never catch us.", I hear a voice say. Now I know this was all a setup. Just to trap me. No! This can't be happening. How am I to get up? My foot is broken,I think the weight of the mysterious person is to blame. So I lie there suffering. Wondereing and wondering if I will ever be found, or will I die tonight. I slowly close my eyes, knowing my answer before I slip into an endless sleep...

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