Bobby | Teen Ink


March 22, 2013
By LilJDoor BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
LilJDoor BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Meet Bobby. Bobby, meet the readers. Is everything all situated? Good, now let us continue on with the story of Bobby. He was a young and troubled child who did not understand what he was supposed to do with himself. An average sixteen year old who just gets up and goes to school like he should, but he shows no interest whatsoever in it. But at least he earns a little pay by delivering pizzas to people, so everything shouldn’t be so bad right? Well that is what you WOULD think, but in the case of our young protagonist, that is not true. He enjoys any time he has at home, which sometimes he just doesn’t get much time there.

Like any sixteen year old, there will be struggles. And the struggles are different for everyone because everyone is different. For our character, he finds difficulty in time management between school, his job, and now since it’s the thing around these days, finding a girl. Why does he want all this? Because he wants to make a name for himself and be known for something, like having a cool job, or having the best grades(like that will ever happen), or the prettiest girl in school. Besides the grades, the toughest goal for Bobby would be to somehow get with the prettiest girl in school. We can’t do much other than wish him the best.

Now what’s a story without side characters? Exactly. So we already have Bobby, but we can’t forget about his friend Walter, who is just like Bobby except he has no job but he has a girl. There is Damon, another one of Bobby’s friends who also has a girlfriend, and he actually gets good grades in school but only because his girlfriend helps him in all his classes and he cheats off her in the classes they have together. Now we need a girl for Bobby, and her name in this story will be something pretty, something that whenever someone hears her name, they just get that feeling that she is around the corner. Her name shall be Mariah, yeah that sounds amazing. Anyway so now there is Mariah, the prettiest girl in school who happens to get straight A’s and is who every girl wants to be since all the guys like her so much. With most of the characters taken care of, we can get into some of the real stuff and get this story rolling.

It was another normal day for Bobby as he was just waking up on a Monday morning. Bobby finally opens his eyes after his mother has called his name about as many times as he could count, but that wasn’t that high anyway at this point. A certain soreness struck Bobby all over, it had felt like he just finished an MMA fight. Trying to fight through all pain, he at last sits up, and gets out of his bed. Walking to the bathroom seemed like an eternity as with every step there was more and more pain and agony. There was no doubt in Bobby’s mind that this was the first he had ever felt in his life...or was it?

See back in his younger days, Bobby would get bullied just because well, he was Bobby. It was an everyday type of thing as he was picked on by kids that were usually older or bigger than him, or both. But it was one day that he still remembers to this day. Second week of school was going by fast and all the kids were ready for the weekend. Bobby was the most excited for the weekend because he needed a break from all the beatings he kept taking during the week. So far so good as the day was almost over and no one has beat him up, was this the day that Bobby doesn’t get beat up? He sure did think so, until it was time for recess before school was done. Walking with a couple other kids going to the basketball court, it was time for some basketball. All they did was just share the ball and shoot around so it was all for fun, but the fun would soon end when Jimmy, the biggest bully ever and his group of other bullies.

“Hey Bobby! Get over here! I’ll show you how to play some real basketball,” Jimmy screamed with disgust. With almost no other choice, Bobby came to Jimmy slowly and a little frightened at the thought of what Jimmy would do to him.

“Give me that ball!” Jimmy had demanded at once. Bobby hands him the ball, steps back a couple spots, and watches. Jimmy was about to turn around and walk away until he threw the ball as hard as he could at Bobby, who was now laying on the ground crying in excruciating pain. His nose was like a bleeding strawberry. Since he was on the ground laying there, Jimmy and his friends decided to start beating him down and show no mercy whatsoever. Punching, kicking, spitting, biting, name-calling, and sitting. Yes they also were sitting on him, crushing him with their combined weight. Like the weight of a giant elephant, Bobby was feeling him losing breath. All he could think to do was to keep laying there and cry, hoping that someone would help him or Jimmy and his friends would just give up and stop hurting him and maybe go away, but that seemed unlikely at this point. About twenty minutes has passed by, and Bobby is still laying there as if he is half dead. Fortunately the day was just about over and then he would be home free. The pain was near unbearable and there was nothing he could do to stop it. The bus ride back home was also painful, but not because someone was actually hurting him, but because he was the last stop on the bus route. So instead of waiting for a couple minutes to get off the bus and run straight home, Bobby had to wait even longer than everyone else, and boy once he got off after that long ride, he wanted to rest so bad that laying in the grass in the yard seemed like a genius idea. “No way,” he thought to himself, so he made the trek all the way to the front door and was finally inside after what felt like the longest day of his life. Panting for breath, Bobby runs to his room, throws down his backpack, closes the door, turns out the lights, and jumps into bed to go in a deep relaxing sleep. It is here where he would stay asleep for almost a whole day and did not even come out when mom told him it was dinner time. And this is how Bobby lived for the rest of his school days, which could explain why his grades are pretty bad and that’s not exactly a good thing.

Yeah Bobby basically did the same thing for the rest of his school days, which includes now. Oh that reminds me, we need to get back with Bobby in the present time! So anyway last time we left Bobby, he was getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom under his own power and he was trying to remember that last time he had felt that much pain, which brought us through his memory and into the moments of him getting beat up. But that was in the past, let’s get back to the current situation at hand.

Hoping something good will happen today, Bobby makes his way to the shower and starts getting washed up. Since he kinda fell asleep in the shower, he fell over and hit his head on something pretty hard, that must have really hurt and was very painful. Skipping ahead a little since we can’t drag this out too much, Bobby is now in class at school and the bell has just rang. Here is when everything just goes downhill for him. No one even sits by him, no one wants to talk to him, and he sits in the very back isolated from everyone else...

The author's comments:
Just a fiction piece I wrote...

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