Bird- A story in dialogue | Teen Ink

Bird- A story in dialogue

March 21, 2013
By Imjustanillusion SILVER, Campbell, California
Imjustanillusion SILVER, Campbell, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

-Hey Mom, how do birds fly?

-They flap their wings.

-Oh... Then how do they fall?

-They just stop flapping their wings. Then they fall.

-So what happens when they hit the ground?

-Jackie... What did you see?

-There's a bird over there, on the ground. What's it doing over there? Why is it sleeping in the middle of the street? Did it fall?

-Maybe we should go...

-But what about the bird? and I haven't finished my ice cream yet! I've only gotten through half of it. If we leave, it'll drip all over the car!

-I'll get you another one later!

-But we should go help it. No one should sleep in the street. It's cold out there.

-Not now, we have to go! I'll get you another one. Later. Two scoops this time.

-Two scoops?!... But it-

-Not another word. We're going.

-No! We need to go help it!

-Jackie, I understand that you want to, but we can't... Jackie, get out of the street! What are you doing?! Don't touch that! It's dead, it's dirty! We can't help it anymore, it's dead!... Jackie, watch out for the car! Get out of the-

-Mama, get up. Why are you sleeping? It's too cold to sleep in the street...Mr. Driver, what happens when a person falls?

The author's comments:
Something I tried to do through this story was convey it entirely through dialogue.

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