Killers are not always humans | Teen Ink

Killers are not always humans

January 11, 2013
By Rfang BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Rfang BRONZE, Prospect Heights, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I walked into an airplane, I could smell the peanut immediately. The salty scent lingered all around the tiny aircraft as the travelers were being seated. When the doors were about to close, I saw one last family step through as the doors latched together. The look on the Mother's face when she took her first breath in was filled with horror. I overheard her conversation with a flight attendant. "Is there any way we could get off this flight? My son is extremely allergic to peanuts." The flight attendant led her and her family to the very back of the plane that was as empty as a new house. She explained the scent shouldn't be as bad back there since it is the farthest from the kitchen. As they walked past me, I could hear the little boy wheezing slightly. They disappeared into the back of the plane. After about an hour, I heard yelling coming from behind me. "He needs to go to the emergency room! He cannot breathe!" Then the pilots voice came on the speaker. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please excuse this interruption. We will be making an emergency stop in Tennessee with the concerns of a passengers health. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you." We landed only a couple minutes after this announcement. The flight attendants were as calm as a sleeping baby while the boy was being carried through the walkways of the plane by a stretcher. People looked at him with fear on their faces when he passed their aisle. We never officially found out what happened to the boy, but I don't think his survival looked very promising. No one really understood how dangerous something as small as a peanut could be.

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