Impatient People | Teen Ink

Impatient People

January 11, 2013
By smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
smajcher3234 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cannot think of anything more annoying than people who are constantly in a rush. I’m always tempted to shout, “where are you going that’s SO incredibly important?!” There are a few times these impatient traits and fast-lane-lifestyle people really become evident.

One: the parking lot. I pull in and it’s already like a circus. Cars fleeing every direction, pedestrians crossing, and honking horns here and there; the craziness is obvious. I see too many drivers cruising up and down the lanes waiting for a ‘good spot’. I think to myself who would want to do that and pull to the back of the lot where I can easily park. As I walk in to the store, I laugh at those circlers who are getting increasingly frustrated looking for a parking space.

Two: waiting in line. I step into line at the store and there are three people ahead of me. As the cashier rigorously scans items I examine the expressions of the other customs in line. At first, happy as can be, but after about a minute and a half it was all downhill. With the constant eye-rolls and sighs, it’s clear just how big an impact those ninety seconds took. The daring will say something along the lines of “are you kidding me?” just loud enough for people to hear but still under breath. Majority won’t say anything but will make their irritation evident. Honestly, what is the big deal! To get through everybody in front of me it took about three minutes…yeah three minutes! Getting in such a bad mood over such little time is a waste of energy. Calm down and have some patience. Three minutes are miniscule in the big picture.

Three: on the roads. When people say, “you never know what can happen behind the wheel” they’re completely right. Impatience is a huge issue when it comes to driving; it’s so dangerous and plainly stupid. Cars will cut you off and pull right in front of you just to get a few feet forward. This is craziness to me. It’s simply not worth the risk regardless of where anyone has to be; I’d rather lose a job than take somebody’s life.

Overall, impatience is everywhere. I think more people should make an effort to be a little more understanding! I guarantee that half of those people in a rush had nowhere to be. Everyone just slow down.

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