Happiness | Teen Ink


January 9, 2013
By mng495 BRONZE, Arlington Hts, Illinois
mng495 BRONZE, Arlington Hts, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


I am so happy in this state of mind right now. This is the kind of happy of a little kid is on their 5th birthday. This is the happiness you get when you stick your teeth into a moist, rich, sweet piece of rich Portillio’s chocolate cake. I can’t stop smiling right now. I have butterflies in my stomach but the good kind of butterflies like the pones I get before going on stage before a huge dance performance. This is not that eating plain broccoli taste, it’s that eating plain broccoli but putting melted cheese on top taste. The smell of fresh cut hot pink roses you find on valentines day and the look of a sandy beach down in Florida. The amazed feeling of watching fireworks late at night with your friends in the middle of the baseball field at Dryden park on the 4th of July. I got that feeling of finding a twenty dollar bill on the side Rand road. That feeling you have when you get kissed by the boy of your dreams or the feeling you get waking up Christmas morning to a bundle of gifts. My happiness is everything beautiful, sweet and fantastic. It’s simply the greatest happiness anyone could ever feel. The feeling a groom has watching his soon to by wife walk down the aisle on his wedding day. This is not the color of a black and blue mark but the color of pink on a girls lips before she goes of to her first prom. The feeling of power and honor. The feeling of having a purpose. I love this feeling, I could live in this happiness forever.

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